281. Jenlisa🔞

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~ Lisa G!P

Jennie: *in the bathroom, taking a shower*

Lisa: *wakes up in bed, hearing the shower going*

Lisa: *gets up and walks into the bathroom*

Jennie: *sees Lisa through the fogged cabin* Hey, you're awake

Lisa: *stares at Jennie's naked body* .....

Jennie: *smirks* Wanna join?

Lisa: *nods and takes off her clothes, steps inside the cabin*

Jennie: *turns around and puts her arms on Lisa's shoulders, smiles*

Lisa: *holds her and smiles back* I love you

Jennie: *kisses Lisa* I love you too

*after showering*

Lisa: *slaps Jennie's ass through the towel wrapped on her*

Jennie: *looks back at Lisa, smirks*

Jennie: Do I look good?

Lisa: *nods* Fuckin sexy

Lisa: *bites her lower lip while checking Jennie's body out*

Jennie: *chuckles and places her hand under Lisa's chin*

Jennie: Baby, my eyes are up here

Lisa: *kisses Jennie immediately, laying her down on the bed*

Jennie: *responses*

Lisa: *unwraps the towel around Jennie's body and cups Jennie's miauw miauw*

Jennie: *hisses and moans* Aah, fuck, Lisa

Lisa: Yes, baby? *asks innoncently and inserts two fingers inside her*

Jennie: *breathy moans* Fuck, right there

Lisa: *smirks, goes faster and rubs her clit with her thumb*

Jennie: *shocked in pleasure* Oh fuck, keep going...I-I'm almost th-there..

Lisa: *pulls her fingers out and insterts her tongue*

Jennie: *moans* Oh my god~

Lisa: *hits her sensitive spot*

Jennie: *holds Lisa head* Oh fuck, I-I'm gonna c-cum

Jennie: *cums and moans Lisa's name loudly* 

Lisa: *licks everything clean and gets up to Jennie's face*

Jennie: *looks down at Lisa's hard on through the towel*

Lisa: *smirks and pulls it off*

Jennie: *smiles and kisses Lisa, wraps her legs around Lisa's waist*

Lisa: *lowers herself and inserts her dick inside without warning*

Jennie: *moans in the kiss as Lisa's dick fills her up*

Lisa: *moans in low voice* Fuck

Lisa: *hugs Jennie and thrusts slowly*

Jennie: *whines* Hmm, Lisa..

Lisa: Babygirl *keeps thrusting slowly, lays her forehead on Jennie's*

Jennie: *pecks Lisa's lips, whispers* P-please, Daddy

Lisa: *thrusts faster, kisses Jennie's neck*

Jennie: *moans loudly and grip the sheets*

Lisa: *goes deeper, hitting the spot*

Jennie: Aaahh, f-fuck yes, r-right there

Lisa: *feels Jennie getting tighter, slows the pace*

Jennie: Hmmaahhh Daddy..d-don't s-stop, I'm almost...there, aah

Lisa: Don't cum yet, babygirl

Jennie: *rolls her hips to help Lisa getting closer too*

Lisa: *kisses Jennie*

Jennie: *hugs Lisa, crosses her ankles to tighten her hole*

Lisa: *pulls aways from the kisa and moans* Aah fuck, baby..you're so fckn tight

Jennie: *whispers* Please, Daddy..deeper

Lisa: *goes deeper and faster, closing her eyes* Fuck I'm close

Jennie: *moans loudly* Fuck yes, Daddy! More!

Lisa: *pounding her hard, feeling her climax coming* I'm gonna countdown...5...

Lisa: 4...

Lisa: 3...

Lisa: 2...

Lisa: 1...

Lisa: Ah fuck cum, baby!

Jennie: *rolls her eyes to the back, cums hard and moans loudly*

Lisa: *feels Jennie clenching, closes her eyes and stops thrusting, cums hard and deep, moaning loudly*

Jenlisa: *breathing heavy*

Jennie: Fuck, that...was...damn

Lisa: *chuckles* It was damn good

Jennie: *giggles and kisses Lisa* I love you, Daddy

Lisa: *kisses Jennie back* Love you too, babygirl

Jennie: *turns them around, lays on top of Lisa and closes her eyes*

Lisa: *caresses Jennie's hair and closes her eyes too*

You're welcome😉 ~Val

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