301. Blackpink Text

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chu: Where's Lisa?

chaeng: You literally ask it in our group chat?

J: Omg, she finally react!

chaeng: 🙄

chu: ....

chu: LiSA whERe aRe YoU?!

lalalalisa: Outside?

chu: Omg yes!🙌🏼

lalalalisa: Uhm..

J: She's being very hyper here...

lalalalisa: Why?...

J: 🤷🏻‍♀️

chu: Just happy

chu: Lisa, can you bring me something?🥺🥺

lalalalisa: Sure. What is it?

chu: I'll call you

lalalisa: Okayy


10 min later


Chaeyoung: *enters dorm, walks to the living room*

Jennie: *watching tv* You're home fast

Chaeyoung: Schedule went faster than expected

Chaeyoung: *sits besides Jennie* Where's Jisoo?

Jennie: She went to her room when she called Lisa and never came out

Chaeyoung: *nods* Sleeping it is

Jennie: *chuckles*

Lisa: *calls from the enter hall* I'm home

Jennie: *gets up to see Lisa but stops halfway*

Lisa: *enters the room with a bag and a blank face*

Chaeyoung: What's-

Jisoo: *runs from her room* OMG YAS THANK YOU!!

Jisoo: *grabs the bag and runs to the kitchen*

Chaeyoung: What's in the bag?! *runs after Jisoo*

Jennie: Lisa? Honey? You okay?

Lisa: *stares at the wall blankly*

Jisoo: *screams* HAHAHAAAA

Jennie: *walks to the kitchen, sees Jisoo happy dancing with figures in her hand*

Jisoo: *looks at Lisa* I told you they were cheap


Chaeyoung: Uhm excuse you, but those "stupid sticks" are us, thank you very much

Jennie: 15.000?! Yah, eonnie!!

Jisoo: What?!

Lisa: I'm gonna take a shower and just stand there depressed I guess

Jisoo: Yah, don't take too long! The waterbill is expensive ya know

Lisa: *glares at Jisoo* Then I'm gonna take a VERY GOOD shower, I'll tell you

Jisoo: *gulps* My wallet

Jennie: I'll join you baby, that'll spare some bills *smirks and winks*

Lisa: *smirks* Some good ones too

Chaeyoung: My innocence...

Val author-nim: Everybody go grab your bible...

Me (Ruby): wElComE tO BIblE STuDiES, wE'Re All chIldREn Of JEsUS

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