227. Truth or Dare🔞

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Lisa: Unnie, truth or dare?

Jisoo: Truth

Lisa: *looks at Jennie*

Jennie: *gets the clue* If you had to choose one of us to make out with, who would it be?

Jisoo: *takes no 2nd thought and turns her head to her left* You

Chaeyoung: *smirks* Say my name

Jisoo: *seductive voice* Park Chaeyoung

Chaeyoung: *husky voice* Say it again

Jisoo: *smirks* Park Chaeyoung

Chaeyoung: If you love me, let me hear you again *leans in closer*

Lisa: *getting uncomfortable* Uhm...

Jennie: Guys?.. *waves her hand to them*

Jisoo: *husky, seductive voice* Park. Chae. Young

Chaeyoung: Damn, you sound so hot when you call my name 

Chaeyoung: *sits on Jisoo's lap while keeping their faces in a close distance*

Jisoo: Then I should do it more often *grabs her ass softly*

Chaeyoung: *groans softly and bites her lower lip* Fuck yeah, you should

Chaeyoung: *kisses Jisoo's lips lustfully*

Jisoo: *responses to it and makes out instantly*

Lisa: *leans to Jennie, whispers* They forgot we're still here huh?

Jennie: *nods with wide eyes looking at Chaesoo*

Jennie: I didn't sign up for this...

Lisa: *getting shivers* Me neither...I only signed for getting them together...

Jisoo: *pushes Chaeyoung lightly down to the ground*

Chaeyoung: *moans in the kiss*

Lisa: *blocks her view with her hands* Yah yah yah yaaahh!

Jennie: *immediately gets up* Aight, I'm outta here *rushes to her room*

Lisa: *gets up too* Yah, wait for me! *runs after Jennie*

Imma let you do the further imagination

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