338. Blackpink as...

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Things they like to do when they sit on your lap/between your legs

Jisoo: Gaming

Jennie: Sleeping

Chaeyoung: Cuddling

Lisa: Watching Movies

I've got a little announce..well two. 

First, I'll be publishing two new books soon!!  

Book 1 is a JL smut book. Some of them are stories I found on YouTube but got deleted or made private cuz of YT's stricter rules. But don't worries, there'll also be some chapters that will be written by me. If it's from YT, I'll announce it.

For Book 2..I got this one from a follower who requested for a hot romantic Lisoo story. I just made some a little context for the story, but it's not finished yet. So stay tuned on this book!

Oh btw, both books will be Lisa G!P. So if you don't like that idea, please feel free to skip these books and stay here on this Blackpink book

Announcement two. As you've noticed, this book hasn't really gotten much updates especially now with summer time. Basically it's because our 1st writer, aka Val, recently has been hospitalized. I won't go too much into the details, but I can say that she still isn't awake after an incident and we're still trying our best to stay beside her. Please, keep up hope for Val to get awake healthy..

That'll be all for today. Thank you very much for loving the Blackpink books and I hope that the saga can be continued for a long time. Stay healthy and love yourselves. Love you! 

~ Ruby

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