340. Zodiac Signs as...

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Reaction to BP wearing something sexy

Aries: *gulps*

Taurus: *laughs about Capricorn* "Bitch, I have that feeling too!"

Gemini: *eye rolls at Libra* "Calm your hormones, you maniac." *getting same thoughts like Libra* "Shit."

Cancer: "Yup that's it. I'm in love"

Leo: *biting lower lip*

Virgo: *laughing at Capricorn, sees it for themselves, shocked* "Wow.."

Libra: *sighs* "Fuck..."

Scorpio: "Yaassss, slaaayyy guuurrhhlll!!"

Sagittarius: *seductive voice* "Well hello~ sexy.."

Capricorn: "Wtf is this feeling?.."

Aquarius: *whistles*

Pisces: *looks at Capricorn* "It's having feelings, bitch. But damn, she hot.."

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