268. Required Reading

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Jennie: Um..excuse me, could you help me find a book?

Librarian: Of course! What are you looking for?

Jennie: I'm doing some uh...research

Jennie: On horses

Librarian: *lifts up an eyebrow* Can you narrow down the topic at all?

Jennie: My research is focused on the cultural impact of horses as seen through the lens of young adult fiction..with a specific focus on their effect on empathy, friendship and community building. I've done a fair bit of reading on the subject already but I, uh..I want to ensure I have been as thorough as possible

Librarian: *squints eyes at her*

Jennie: *smiles nervously while rubbing the back of her neck*

*2 min later*

Jennie: *reading My Little Pony*

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