265. Shopping Mall

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Lisa: *scrolling through her phone*

Jisoo: *gaming behind her computer screen that looks like a big long ass plasma tv*

Chaennie: *watching Netflix*

Lisa: Hey can you guys go to the shopping mall with me? I need to get some new linger ree

Chaeyoung: *tries to process* What?

Jennie: *pauses serie and looks at Lisa confused* Who is Linger Ree?

Lisa: *trying to knock some sense* Linger ree? Like underwears?

Chaeyoung: *tries her best not to laugh* Oh my gahd

Jisoo: *laughs*

Jennie: It's pronounced 'lan-she-rie'

Lisa: No it's not

Jennie: *triggered in hon hon hon* Yes it- it's a French word!

Lisa: *lifts up an eyebrow* Am I French?

Jisoo: *gets up and brings a bottle of champagne* Okay, how do you pronounce this word?

Lisa: Sham pag nay

Jennie: What did she saaaayyy?? *starts laughing*

Chaeyoung: *laughing hard*

Jisoo: It's pronounced sham-pain for you!

Lisa: It's not how I said it?!

Jennie: Nooooooo *keeps laughing*

Jisoo: *acts like a dumbass* Please Sir, can I have some more...

Jisoo: *hold the bottle of champagne* Sham pag nay

Chaennie: *laughing*

Lisa: *confused in Thai*

Chaeyoung: *leans back on the couch* How do you pronounce Beyoncé? Bee eye say?

Jennie: *snickers*

Lisa: *more confused* Who's Beyoncé?

Jenchuchaeng: *looking at Lisa with wide eyes and unbelieve*

Chaeyoung: Looking so crazy in love, got me looking, got me looking so crazy in love?

Jennie: Jay Z's wife? Destiny's Child?

Jisoo: Nala from the Lion King?

Lisa: Oh, you mean Beyons?


Jennie: *dying in laughter*

Jisoo: *disappointed and opens the champagne bottle* It's that time of the month again...

~ Hey guys! As I read Val's angst in the last chapter, I wanna make a short story of it. I got the story line already, but idk about the characters. That's why I wanna ask you guys:  What do you guys prefer?

Y/N x BP member of a BP ship?

If you choose Y/N, do you wanna have it to be a boy or a girl G!P? About having a smut chapter in it is still in thoughts, but can't promise. Also, I won't do other genders than these two as I want to respect everybody just the way they are. My apologies in advance, don't wanna spread hate!

Please let us know in the comments so we can make your wish come true.

Lots of love, Ruby

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