387. Own It

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Radio Host: It's so amazing to hear you girls are global ambassadors for very fancy clothing brands. It must feel good, does it?

BP: *chuckles*

Jisoo: Let's just say that we have some fun

Jenlichaeng: *hyping up* Ooooohhh

Jisoo: *posing with swag*

Others: *laughing*

Radio Host: *laughs* I can really imagine the fun in it. Meanwhile, it's time for the game Fire Questions. In this game, each member has to answer every question as fast as possible. No losing, no winning, so don't get nervous. Girls, are you ready?

BP: Ne~

Radio Host: Okay then, let's start! What the hottest item you own?

Lisa & Jisoo: Jennie/Chaeyoung!!

Chaennie: ......

Lisoo: .......

Blinks: *laughing*

Chaennie: *starts blushing*

Lisa: *whispering* Oh shit...

Radio Host: *chuckles nervously* Moving on....

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