254. Zodiac Signs as...

208 3 5

Typical school moments with Blackpink

Aries: Getting thrown out of the school library for being too loud with Lisa

Taurus: Chaeyoung helping you cheating on a test you haven't learned 

Gemini: That ruined feeling cuz of that one kid asking "What about homework?" at the end of the last class of the day with Jennie

Cancer: Jisoo not stopping making you laugh during a bullying assembly

Leo: Having a bleeding nose at P.E. cuz of Lisa throwing the dodgeball too hard which 

Virgo: Doing a given group project with you and Jisoo doing most of the work

Libra: Feeling uncomfortable as the health teacher, teaching sex ed, stares instensely to you while rolling a condom onto a banana with Jennie sitting beside you surpressing her laugh

Scorpio: Finding out with Chaeyoung that you both will be in the same classes for the rest of your freshman year

Sagittarius: Surviving the one class you have for the whole day but feeling like it's been 6 hours since Jennie was sick at home

Capricorn: That anime boy with glasses feeling you get when you answer your teacher's question right while you weren't paying attention with Lisa hyping you up

Aquarius: Falling while running to the cafeteria with Chaeyoung

Pisces: Asking your teach if you can go to the bathroom just to skip the 30 minutes dry ass monotoned before practicing math theory with Jisoo

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