365. OT4 Oneshot

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"Aaahh, another day...and still gay."

"Say what now?"

Lisa looked at her best friend confused, following the eyes that are looking at someone. She smirked the moment the person walked inside the classroom. She snorted.

"Another day, still not your bae." 

Lisa laughed the moment her friend looked at her with disgrace.

"Fuck you."

"Oh, come on Chaeng. It's always the same story. She walks past the classroom, walks inside, you check her out like she's your favorite midnight snack, but at the end..you never give it a shot."

"Bitch, shut the fuck up. You don't know what it's like to be in love, miss playgirl."

"Hahahaha, okay okaayy. Guilty." Lisa laughs while putting her hands up in the sky.

"But those horny chicks want me. Not the other way around." she shrugs.

"Okay, but you still love the attention." Chaeyoung says as she rolls her eyes

"Duh, I need to make benefits with this handsome face." Lisa said and tries to make a smoulder face. Chaeyoung snorts.

"Handsome? You look like a fuckin' monkey rn with those puckered up lips."

Lisa gasps and acts in shock.

"How dare you to call me a monkey, you imbecile."

"Oh, I'm sorry your Majesty for declining your immense facial offers that all the dirty little hoes in your kingdom are drowning about."

"Serves you right. Besides, this school doesn't have any you know.."good looking" girls. The only girls we have are pick me girls." Lisa says in disgust.

"Benefits of that handsome face, ey?" Chaeyoung fired back with a smirk.


"Okay class, settle down. Today, we're having a new student in this class."

"Psh, another ugly soul from hell on the loose you mean." Lisa scoffed softly while folding her arms.

Chaeyoung nudged Lisa's side with her elbow and gave her a warning look.

"Please, come inside." The teacher said while looking at the open door.

Lisa looked from the high classroom window to the hall, but she could only see the top of the persons head.

"Huh, a midget I guess." Lisa thought.

Even though Lisa was convinced of herself that she never would be able to fall in love, this time our dear mother Earth went against her will. A girl walked inside the classroom. She was shorter than Lisa, but not midget sized. Long, straight, silky brown hair. Cat eyes with orbs colored in beautiful hazelnut brown. A soft, round face with perfectly shaped lips and somehow cute dumpling cheeks.


"Annyeonghaseyo~. I'm Jennie Kim and I'm the new student. I just transfered here from New Zealand to continue my studies. I hope you guys can take a good care of me." The girl said with a shy smile, bowing after her short introduction.

"Nice to meet you!" The whole class said with a smile on their face.

"Good! Now that you've met each other, I'm gonna continue our class schedule for today. Jennie, you're seat will be beside Miss Kim." The teacher said politely while directing his hand to the empty seat beside this Kim.

The girl waved at her with a big smile on her face. Jennie gave a little nod to the teacher and went to her table.

"Omg, she sits besides her! Lisa, I'm so jealous!"

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