264. Y/N x Y/B

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~ Play this song while reading. Y/B = Your BP bias (wrecker), XX = someone..you call who

*in a restaurant*

Everyone: *waiting for their food*

Jackson: *slaps Y/N's shoulder* Hey, Y/N

Y/N: Hm?

Jackson: *points outside the restaurant window*

Jackson: Isn't that Y/B?

Y/N: *looking outside, seeing Y/B*

Y/B: *laughing and clinging on another person*

Y/N: .....Yeah *looks away immediately and talks to the others*


*2 hours later*


Bambam: Damn, I'm full *rubs his stomach*

Amber: Me too

Jamie: Same

Jackson: Oh look, it's Y/B. Hey, Y/B! *waves*

Y/B: *waves and smiles* Hey, Jackson! Hey, guys!

Others: Hi!

Jackson:  How are you doing?

Y/B: I'm doing fine. Oh, before I forget..honey, these are some of my friends

Y/B: Guys, this is XX..my fiancé

XX: Hello, nice to meet you *smiles*

Others: *shocked, but greeting back with a smile*

Y/N: *steps outside, fixing coat* Guys, let's go

Y/B: *sees Y/N and gulps*

Y/N: *sees Y/B, putting hands in pockets* Hey

Y/B: Hey....

*little tension*

Amber: *scrapes throat* Y/N! We were just talking to Y/B, hehe..

Y/N: *nods* I see..

Jackson: *lays an arm on Y/B's shoulder* 

Jackson: XX, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is XX. Y/B's fiancé

Jamie: Y/B, it's been a while you two have been together right?

Amber: *warns with a whisper* Jamie...

XX: You guys know each other?

Y/B: U-Uhmm..y-yeah..we-

Y/N: *interrupts* We're old school friends

Y/B: *says softly and a bit broken* ..Y/N...

Y/N: *offers XX an hand with a smile* XX, right? Pleasure to meet you

XX: *shakes it and smiles* Likewise

Bambam: Guys, we gotta go

Jackson: You're right. Bye, Y/B! *waves and walks away*

Amber&Jamie: Bye! *walking away too*

Y/N: *turns around and walks away*

Y/B: *looks down to the ground*

Y/N: *stops* Hey, XX?

Y/N's group: *stop walking to and look at Y/N*

XX: Yes?

Y/N: *looks back at XX* Take a good care of Y/B for me, will ya?

Y/B: *looks up in looks surprised*

Y/N: *turns slightly with hands in pockets, looking at the street*

Y/N: She likes to cuddle until she falls asleep. Hug her from behind even though she doesn't want to be touched, she loves that. When she's getting anxious, hold her hand and rub the back of it. It makes her calm. When she has her period, buy all her favorite food and snacks. Make her feel like a queen. Kiss her every time you go to sleep or go outside. When you come back home, greet her with a hug and a kiss. Give her all your attention the rest of the day to let her know that she's important for you too. Tell her dumb jokes, it'll make her laugh very hard for minutes. Tell her she's worthy to have and to live for. Tell her you'll be there for her whenever and wherever. Tell her...

Y/B: *waits for Y/N's next words*

Y/N: Tell her that you love her...everyday...do that and she'll be the sweetest, cutest, strongest, smartest, most amazing, most caring, biggest bundle of joy, and the most beautiful soul you've ever met. I..promise..you won't regret marrying her....

Y/B: *feels her heart breaking and tears up*

Y/N's group: *heard everything and feel sad for Y/N*

Y/N: *looks at XX, trying not to tear up*

Y/N: Can you do that for me?

XX: *gives a reassuring smile and nods*

XX: I'll promise

Y/N: *nods and smiles lightly* Thank you

Y/N: *looks at Y/B's ring, then at Y/B with a smile* 

Y/N: Congratulations, I wish you the best and a beatiful future

Y/B: *pressing her lips together and leaving a single tear*

Y/N: *turns around and walks away quick*

XX: Y/N is a good person

Y/B: *keeps quiet*

XX: *looks at Y/B* Hey, are you okay??..

Y/B: *wipes her tears away* Yeah

Y/B: *smiles* Just happy I saw Y/N again after such a long time


*in Y/N's car*


Y/N: *holds at a necklace and stares at it while caressing the half piece of a heart*

Jackson: *talking through the car's speaker* Come on, Y/N. Time's ticking

Y/N: *looks at the big bag on the passenger seat with the passport on top of it*

Y/N: *drives away and looks in the rear mirror, seeing Y/B letting out tears*


*in the airplane*


Y/N: *taking seat*

*plane takes off*

Captain: Welcome to flight 4B7 with service from Seoul, Korea to Los Angeles, USA. Enjoy your flight!

Y/N: *taking the necklace out of the pant's pocket, wears it over the necklace holding the other side of the heart, making the word 'Forever' as the two halves come together*

Y/N: *letting the tears fall and close eyes* Goodbye, Y/B....

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