293. Blackpink's reaction to...

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You having fun time with your baby


You: *making weird faces while the baby laughs*

Jisoo: Yah, Y/N-ah..don't do that. Else the baby will be like you..

You: But I'm just making weird faces..

Jisoo: My point exactly


Jennie: *wakes up, hears laughter downstairs*

Jennie: *goes to the living room, sees you with the baby*

You: *playing peek a boo and softly tickling the baby while making weird noises*

Baby: *laughing while having fun*

Jennie: *smiles at the view and enjoys while leaning against the wall*


Baby: *cries*

Chaeyoung: Oh the baby's awake. I'll make the milk

You: *grabs the baby, hushing and rocking the baby softly*

Baby: *keeps crying*

Chaeyoung: I'm ba-

You: *singing in a lower note* I'm way up in the clouds and they say I've made it now. But I figured it out, everything I need is on the ground. Just drove by your house, so far from you now. But I figured it out, everything I need is on the ground

Baby: *stops crying, starts cooing and smiling while you sing*

You: *keeps singing with a smile while walking to Chaeyoung*

Chaeyoung: *smiles proudly and kisses your cheeks before taking over the baby*


Lisa: Honey, I'm home!

Lisa: *hears the baby laughing and goes to the living room*

You: *doing push ups*

Lisa: Hun, where's the baby?

You: Right here!

Lisa: *confused and walks over to you, sees the baby underneath you smiling*

You: *lowers to the baby and gives it a kiss before pushing up* That's 10!

Baby: *smiling*

Lisa: *squeals and films everything*

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