267. Summer Camp

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Chaelisa: *on their way in the bus*

Chaeyoung: *excited* I can't believe you signed us up for summer camp

Lisa: I know! This is gonna be the best. summer. EVER!

Chaeyoung: Campfires!

Lisa: Sing-alongs!

Chaeyoung: Swimming!

Lisa: Hikes!

Chaeyoung: Crafts!

Lisa: *steps out of the bus* Chores!

Chaeyoung: *steps out too* Chores?

YG: *shows some sticks with a long face* Garbage sticks

Chaeyoung: ....Garbage sticks?

Chaelisa: *each grabbing one*

YG: *walks away while murmuring and taking away trash*

Chaeyoung: ...What are these for?

Lisa: Hiking! Let's go for a hike!

Chaeyoung: Wait a minute...

Chaeyoung: This isn't a camp at ALL! This is Roadside Garbage Collection!

Lisa: Hey, come on. We're in the great outdoors, helping the environment..don't you believe in community service?

Chaeyoung: Hang on, does this have anything to do with all your UNPAID PARKING TICKETS?!

Lisa: *whistles and pretends as she didn't hear it*

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