396. Blackpink's reaction to...🔞

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You groaning as they're edging you


She'll smirk and blow on your sex more just to give herself some fun. She'll start rubbing again, but this time much slower than before. 

"Easy there, baby. I don't want to end this quick without a reward."


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She'll kiss your lips every time she stopped her movements, just to make you more desperate to be touched again. She'll keep whispering dirty in your ear while edging you.
"Look at you being all needy for Mommy. You wanna punish me, don't you?"

 You wanna punish me, don't you?"

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She'll do things that made you think that she intentionally threw her Bible out of the window. When you groan, she'll be dominant as hell and act like a devil.

"You better hold it in before I'll make sure that you won't get anything tonight."


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She'll be satisfied with your groans as it makes her feel giddy from the inside. She won't torture you that much or that long, but she'll know how to make super sensitive.

"Shit that was hot. I guess we should go for a longer ride, hm?"

 I guess we should go for a longer ride, hm?"

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