250. Blackpink's reaction to...

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Someone asking "Any last words?" while pointing a gun at them


Lisoo: *walking down the street with a lot of bags filled with ramyeon and chicken*

Lisa: *stops in front of her and points a fake gun at her*

Lisa: Any last words?

Jisoo: *raises her hands with the bags* Mai mee tan ka

Lisa: *shakes her head and sighs* Yeah, you ain't gonna survive yo

Jisoo: I'm a disguise bitch


Jennie: *cleaning up behind the bar*

Robber: *storms into the cafe and points the gun at her*

Robber: Gimme the money!

Jennie: *still busy placing back the beer glasses*

Jennie: Nope

Robber: *pulls the trigger* Any last words?

Jennie: *turns around, pointing her gun at him*

Jennie: *pulls the trigger* Do you?


Manager: *enters her house and walks to the kitchen*

Chaeyoung: *eating noodles at the kitchen island, her back to him*

Manager: *wants to scare Chaeyoung and places a mini watergun on her back*

Manager: Any last words?

Chaeyoung: *turns around, looking at him disgusted*

Chaeyoung: *talking with full mouth while spitting food on her manager's face* 

Chaeyoung: Bitch, sit down! Don't you see that I'm eating??!!

Manager: *gulps with lil bits of bitten noodles on his face*

Manager: Y-yeah....you got some kimchi?...


Lisa: *waiting for the streetlight to be green*

Robber: *stands next to her, points the gun on her temple and pulls the trigger*

Robber: Any last words?

Lisa: If you shoot, your dick is small

Robber: *shocked and laughs* Fuuuuccckk

Lisa: *laughs* Haaaaahhh

Robber: *nods* I see, I see

*both still laughing*

Lisa: Come on~, let me see~

Robber: *shocked and stops laughing* What?

Lisa: *realised what she said and gets shocked too* 

Lisa: Nothin...

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