chapter 10

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Tuesday, 2 November 1976

"Sooo, I told my friend that you know about us," Regulus whispered to Lena during potions.

"Did you now?" Lena replied, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, wants us to all hang out."

"What? Why?"

"Because she wants to meet my friends and you're the only person who would not be mortified. And I trust you."

"I would be honored to meet her."

"Oh thank, Merlin. So meet us in the Shrieking Shack on Saturday during the Hogsmeade trip."

"Will do."

Lena and Regulus fell into a comfortable silence as they continued to work on their assignment. Lena decided to break that silence.

"Hey, Reg."

"Yes, Lena."

"Tomorrow's November third."

"You are correct. November third does tend to follow November second."

"Tomorrow is Sirius' birthday."

Regulus let out a deep breath. "I know...I want to talk to him. Tell him how dumb and scared I was—am. Tell him that I love him. I don't know how to, though."

Lena remained silent. She did not know what to say to comfort Regulus. She desperately wanted to give him a hug, the only thing that she could think of that could express how she wanted to help and that she understood how difficult it was for Regulus. She could not, though, in the sea of green and yellow that they stood in.

Lena watched as Regulus reached into his pocket and pulled something out his pocket and placed it on the table.

"Could you make sure this gets to Sirius tomorrow? For his birthday," Regulus whispered.

Lena discreetly pocketed the present. "'Course. I'll let him know you couldn't give it to him in person."

"No, tell him it's from you. I don't think it would be a good idea for him to know it's from me."

"Reg, I'm sure that he'd like to know it's from you."

"Please, Lena," Regulus pleaded quietly, his grey eyes overwhelmed with emotion.

"Alright," Lena conceded.


Tuesday, 2 November 1976

Lena approached the Gryffindor table at dinner to give Sirius his gifts. Lena had decided to wrap Sirius's gifts before seeing him. She had just gotten Sirius some of his favourite sweets. Regulus, on the other hand, gave him a very thoughtful gift. It was a simple gold chain with a circular golden pendant attached to it. One side of the pendant had an etching of a lion while the other side had an etching of the constellation for which Sirius was named.

Peter was sitting next to Sirius, and James and Remus were sitting on the opposite side of the table. Lena sat down next to Sirius and shot James and Remus a smile that widened when her eyes met Remus'.

"Happy Birthday, Sirius," Lena said happily, pulling him into a brief side hug.

"Thanks, Lee," Sirius said smiling. "Is that for me?" he asked, looking down at the gift in Lena's hands.

"You mean the blue wrapped box with the words 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIRIUS!' clearly printed on it?" Lena asked, amused.

"Yes, that would be the one."

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