chapter 33

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Tuesday, 22 February 1977

"I can't believe your dumb friend asked Layla out," Regulus pouted quiety to Lena as she stirred their potion.

Lena rolled her eyes. "Alex is not dumb. Well, most of the time. I mean it is a bit dumb of him to date my one friend and then try to ask out me other friends. And, besides, he didn't know that Layla's got you."

Regulus frowned and said nothing. It wasn't so much that someone asked Layla out on a date that was bothering him. It was more that he couldn't take Layla on a date like someone else could, that he couldn't kiss Layla in public like someone else could, that he couldn't declare his love for Layla to everyone like someone could. It was more that no one knew Layla had his heart.

Regulus couldn't help but to wonder if it was fair to be Layla when he couldn't offer her everything she deserved.

Lena saw that Regulus' eyes were swimming with his thoughts and she didn't want him to drown in them.

"It must've been nice to see Sirius at the Hospital Wing."

Regulus smiled. "It was, I never thought there would be a silver lining in being hit by a Bludger and falling off my broom... I didn't expect him to come... I didn't think he still cared."

"Of course he still cares, Reg," Lena says. "He always has and he always will."

"I just wish he knows that I care about him."

Lena didn't know what to say to him, to make things better. She wanted to tell Regulus that Sirius knew that he cared, but that would be a lie and they both knew it. There was no point in lying to someone who had so much clarity about the situation they were in.

So instead, Lena promised Regulus the future.

"He will one day, Reg."

Regulus shook his head doubtfully.

"He will," Lena insisted.


Friday, 25 February 1977

Lena smiled as the rain powered heavily against the windows and stone walls of Hogwarts as she slowly walked among the corridors to the library. Lena had never been a fan of rain. Ever since she could remember, rain always made her feel a bit sad, although there was no rhyme or reason to it. At least, not one that Lena knew of.

Since she had begun the process of becoming an Animagus though, she welcomed rain like she had never before. It made her happy and it brought her hope, which was ironic considering rain was often the symbol of impending doom. Yet everytime time there was a rainstorm without an electrical storm, anger would wash over her and fade away, leaving her with a tinge of sadness. She knew it was irrational to be upset with the weather, but she couldn't help it. All she wanted was for lightning to strike so she could finally become an Animagus and help Remus. The full moon was approaching and she wanted to be there for him like he was there for her.

Lena grimaced and sighed as the rain began to hit the windows and walls more quietly and fell down slower than it had before. There would be no electrical storm today. There was something quite ironic that the rain stopping would be the rain on her parade.

Lena's grimace turned into a smile as she walked into the library and saw Remus sitting in their usual spot.

"Hey, Professor Lupin," Lena teased as she sat beside him.

Despite his efforts to hold it in, Remus couldn't help but smile as he shook his head. "I can't believe you're still calling me that."

"What can I say? You're my favorite teacher."

You're my favorite person is what Remus wanted to say.

He didn't say it, though. Instead, he just looked at her and said, "You're my favorite student."

Lena grinned but gave him a doubtful look. "I'm your only student, Rem."

"Now, that's not entirely true, Lena," Remus said. "Sometimes I help Sirius with Herbology and Peter with Charms."

"That does not make being your favorite student very impressive. It almost makes it worse actually," Lena said, sighing dramatically.

"You're always impressive, Lena," Remus said and smiled at Lena's blush.

"So are you," she mumbled and it was Remus' turn to blush.


Monday, 1 March 1977

"Hey, Lena," Raj said as he looked at her from across the table they were using in the Gryffindor common room to study. Raj was facing the wall while Lena was facing the common room. Lena was happily resting her cheek on her hand and she had a dopey smile on her face as she discreetly looked over Raj's shoulder to look at Remus.

He was sitting with her brother, Sirius, and James and they were all laughing about something. Lena loved how expressively he was moving his hands to make a point and how his green eyes were shining. Lena loved it when Remus smiled. He had such a wonderful one and she liked seeing it because she knew it was happy.


"You may want to wipe away that drool," he teased.

"Wait, what?" Lena cried, dropping her hand from her cheek.

"I'm just kidding," Raj teased. "Although, if you don't plan on doing anything about your crush on Lupin, you should be less obvious about it.

Lena blushed and mumbled, "Shut up."


"I knew it," Peter muttered.

"Knew what?" Sirius asked with a smile. "That I'm the best Marauder?"

"No, that the bloke Lena likes is her mate Raj."

Remus' smile immediately dropped and Sirius patted him on the shoulder.

"What are you on about, Wormtail?" James asked. "They're just friends."

"But she's got one of those lovesick smiles on her face and she's blushing. I mean, look at her!"

Remus' frowned. Peter was not wrong. She had the same smile on her face that he had whenever he thought about her. She's just not smiling about me, Remus thought sadly.

"She does not have a crush on Raj. She's probably just daydreaming about the guy she fancies," James said.

"Or she's looking at you," Sirius whispered into Remus' ear. "You are in her line of sight."

Even though he knew that the chance of that was unlikely, he couldn't help but grow giddy at the prospect of Lena blushing because of him.

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