chapter 31

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Monday, 14 February 1977

"Did we miss something?" Maggie asked.

Lena gave her a confused look.

"Was there some announcement that said all girls had to wear red and pink today and give out chocolates?"

Ava laughed. "Did you forget what today is?"

"Yeah, I never know what day it is."

Lena grinned. "Today, we are celebrating a man who was beheaded for performing secret weddings even after he restored his executioner's daughter's sight."

Maggie stared at her blankly.

"For Merlin's sake, just say it's Valentine's Day," Ava said, covering her face with her left hand in exasperation.

"Ahh, Maggie said. "So what are you getting you-know-who for Valentine's Day, Aves?"

Lena snorted.

Maggie tilted her head at the brunette. "What?"

"You just made it seem like Ava was getting a present for He Who Must Not Be Named for Valentine's Day."

"Are you okay today?" Ava asked. "You're acting super weird."

"I just had an epiphany last night that I was overthinking everything and I should talk to Remus."

"That's great!" Ava smiled.

"Yeah, now I just have to come up with an excuse in case he asks me why I've been avoiding him."

"Or you can just tell him the truth," Maggie suggested.

"It's hilarious that you think I would do that."

Maggie shook her head as the trio walked into the Great Hall.

Lena felt a hand on her arm. She spun around and came face to face with Sirius.

"Hey, Sirius."

"Hey, Lee."

Lena looked back at Maggie and Ava, who were waiting for her. She noticed that a few girls were giving her dirty looks for speaking with Sirius. "You guys sit down. I'll be with you in a minute."

Sirius waited for her friends to leave before speaking. "You need to meet me and James in Flitwick's classroom at four."


"We need to go over some Animagus stuff."

"Okay, sounds good. I'll see you then."


Lena was waiting rather impatiently for Sirius and James to arrive. Humming, she shuffled her feet and spun around on her shoes as she waited for the black-haired Gryffindors. She could hear her bracelet jingle as she moved around the room.

The door creaked open and then closed.

Lena steadied herself against one of the desks and crossed her legs. "Finally. I thought you weren't going to sh— What are you doing here?"

Remus stared at her with his green eyes and Lena was sure she would melt.

"Looking for you."

Lena swallowed. "How'd you know I would be here?"

"James and Sirius said you'd be here. They said you asked for their help in Transfiguration."

Lena would kill the pair of idiots when she got out of the classroom for tricking her.

Reading Between The Lines ~ Remus Lupin ~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now