Monday, 8 November 1976
Remus sat on his dorm room bed with a look of horror in his eyes.
"Fuck, Peter. I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt Lena."
"Calm down, Moony. You didn't even touch her. She's fine."
"But she's gonna be freaking out. She must be so terrified," Remus mourned.
"No, she's not," James spoke up.
"What do you mean?" Remus croaked.
"Prongs, Wormtail, Frank, and I came up with a plan and fixed everything when you were at Pomfrey's getting fixed up," Sirius said in an assuring tone.
"Don't involve me!" Frank cried.
"But it was your idea!" James replied.
"I was joking! I didn't think you'd actually think it was a real suggestion!" Frank said, throwing his hands up in the air.
Remus's eyes began flicking rapidly between his roommates. "What did you guys do?"
"They Obliviated Lena!" Frank cried.
"What the fuck?! You Obliviated your sister?!" Remus cried.
"No, Padfoot did!" Peter corrected.
"That's not any better!" Remus said, waving his arms.
"Only because Frank said to do it!" Sirius interjected.
"I wasn't being serious!" Frank defended himself.
"Only Sirius can be Sirius," James joked, attempting to lighten the mood.
"Not now, Prongs," Remus hissed. "Lena's probably going mad right now and it's all my fault! I can't believe I put her in danger."
"Remus," James began with a commanding tone of finality, "Everything will be okay. Pads used the cloak and Obliviated her and put her Transfiguration book in her room. She won't remember looking for her book and going to the shack and seeing us. She won't even know what happened last night.
Lena was freaking out. She definitely saw a werewolf last night. She was sure despite her momentary doubt in the morning when she saw her Transfiguration textbook on the bureau by the door. Her doubt vanished when she returned her roommates Zoë's Charms notes. Zoë did not recall giving them to Lena. In fact, she couldn't remember anything from the History of Magic reading she did, which Lena saw her do, or going up to bed the previous night. Zoë shook it off and attributed not remembering any of the events within the past twelve hours to being so tired the previous night. Lena did not dismiss Zoë's forgetfulness. She knew she went to the Shrieking Shack last night. She knew she was unable to retrieve her Transfiguration textbook last night. She knew she saw a werewolf last night.
She also knew someone at the school did not want her to know about it and tried and failed to Obliviate her sometime early in the morning.
Lena knocked on the door to her brother's room and waited for someone to tell her to come in. Lena felt like she was going crazy and just wanted to talk to someone she trusted everything with. She wanted to talk to her brother.
"Come in," Remus called and Lena entered.
"Hi, Remus. Is Peter here? I really need to ta— Merlin, Remus! What happened to you?"

Reading Between The Lines ~ Remus Lupin ~ Book 1
FantasyDespite her great skill in reading between the lines, Lena Pettigrew has always had trouble reading lines. Her dyslexia has always been something she's had compensate for and, through hard work, she's done well in all her classes. Well, that was unt...