chapter 21

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Tuesday, 21 December 1976

"So, this boy you like is here right now?" Mark asked seriously, his hair its natural colour.

Lena groaned as her family and her walked down Diagon Alley. She really wished she hadn't mentioned her crush to her family. Lena had gone on a date with a Muggle boy named Steven over the summer and made the mistake of telling her father about the date before it happened. Steven had taken her to a nice Muggle restaurant. Unfortunately, the date was ruined by her father, who morphed into one of the Muggle waiters, continuously interrupting her date. Mark Pettigrew was not a fan of his daughter dating.

"Look, I don't even know if he's here. And it wouldn't matter if he were. He doesn't like me in a romantic way."

"Well, why wouldn't he want to date you? You're amazing, muffin."

Lena crossed her arms, furrowed her brows, and looked at her father. "I'm sorry, but I thought you didn't like the idea of me dating?"

"Don't get me wrong. I dislike it immensely but I think everyone should like you. And I do want my muffin to be happy."

"You need to stop calling me muffin in public, Dad," Lena said, blushing. "I'm not five anymore."

Lisa tutted and kissed both Lena and Peter's cheeks. "You still are to us though, sweetpea. You and your brother will always be our babies."

"Muuuuum," Peter protested.

"Oh, don't complain Petey," Lisa said as they family walked into Sugarplum's Sweets Shop.

Lena and Lisa made their way to the back of the store by the Cauldron Cakes while Peter and Mark, whose hair was now green, remained in the front.

Lena laughed to herself as she heard a mother lightly scold her child.

"Bill, I said you can have only one sweet from the shop."

"But, Mum! This one's for Percy!"

"Percy is a baby. He's much too young for sweets and you know it."

Lisa turned around and smiled. "If it isn't Molly Prewett!"

"It's Weasley now, Lisa," the young red-headed woman replied pleasantly.

The woman, Molly, was holding a small infant with red curls in her arms and a small red-headed boy, who was six or so, stood in front of her. A tall red-headed man stood beside her. He was currently being climbed on by another red-headed boy who was probably four.

"Lena, this is Molly Weasley and her husband Arthur," Lisa introduced.

"Nice to meet you," Lena replied shly.

"You too. And this is my oldest Bill and my youngest Percy. Charlie is the little monkey hanging on Arthur's arm," Molly said with a brilliant smile.

Lisa began to coo over Percy. "He is too cute, Molly!"

Little Charlie cried out in indignation. "Hey!"

All the adults and Lena laughed. Lena smiled at Charlie. "Don't worry. You're cute, too. And so is Bill," Lena said as she turned to him.

Both children blushed and thanked her shyly.

"I miss when mine were that young. You've got to cherish that time."

"Mum," Lena groaned quietly.

"They're already growing up too fast. I wish I could keep them small forever." Molly sighed, brushing Bill's hair with her left hand.

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