chapter 57

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Saturday, 5 November 1977

"They're so cute together!" Lena said giddly as she watched the couple from across The Three Broomsticks. The unthinkable had happened. James Potter and Lily Evans were on a date.

"It only took about seven years," Remus snorted.

"I just can't believe she asked him out," Peter said, still in a slight state of disbelief.

Sirius grinned. "Dreams do come true."

"Now he just needs to do well enough on this date to get another one," Remus said after sipping his butterbeer.

"He will," Lena said confidently. "He knows what he's doing."

Remus, Sirius, and Peter all shared a look of skepticism.

Lena sighed. "Fine. He doesn't always, but I am sure on this occasion he knows what he's doing."

"Now we have another to remember on the fifth of November— James and Lily's first date," Remus said, making Lena, Peter, and Sirius laugh.

"I think James and Lily's first date supersedes the importance of Guy Fawkes Night," Lena laughed.

"Yeah, who cares if Chief Elfrida Clagg and whoever the king was back then survived?" Peter joked.

"Remember, remember, The Fifth of November, For there was date, That some thought was fate," Sirius sang jokingly and slightly off key.

And even though the group of four were laughing loudly and visibly staring at them, James and Lily didn't notice. They were only focused on each other.


Tuesday, 22 November 1977

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

Remus furrowed his brow in frustration and tried to focus on his Transfiguration readings. He never understood why people put loud clocks in silent rooms. It defeated the purpose, The noise was incredibly distracting. It was a reminder of how quickly time passed.

Remus raised his head, preparing to scold the clock even though it was inanimate, but stopped when he noticed his girlfriend.

Lena's arms were resetting on the table, with one hand over the other. Her chin sat up the top of her hand. She was looking up at him with a smile on her face.

Remus couldn't help but smile back. "What?"

Lena's brown eyes shined brightly as she bit her lip. She was still smiling. "Nothing."

Remus let out a small, quiet laugh. "Why are you looking at me?"

Lena propped up her head with her arm and rested her hand on her cheek. "Why? I am not allowed to look at you?" she asked teasingly.

"No. I was just wondering," Remus said.

"Well, I happen to think you're rather good-looking," Lena said, making her boyfriend blush.

"That's a good reason."

"I know it is," Lena said smiling. Remus looked down at his book and shook his head, unable to suppress his smile.


Lena glanced around the library. It was empty, save for Madam Pince and a few Ravenclaw first years that were sitting at the other end of the library.

Lena rose from her seat and walked around the table and sat beside Remus.

Remus put his quill down and looked at her. Lena took his hand and tilted her up to look at him. Her eyes were earnest and her voice was low. "Do you want me to come with you on Friday?" Lena asked, referencing the upcoming full moon.

"You don't have to," he murmured in response.

Lena caressed the top of his hand with her thumb. "That doesn't answer my question."

Remus nodded. "Yeah. I know."

The couple's gaze dropped to their hands that were in between them. They fell silent, too. It wasn't awkward, though. Both of them understood how difficult it could be to talk sometimes and to answer questions that were so seemingly simple.

Remus took a deep breath. "I do want you to come," he said before pausing. Lena nodded. "I just don't think you should come."

Lena looked up from their hands and up at her boyfriend. Her brow was slightly furrowed. "How come?"

"I don't want you to get hurt," his voice full of shame and apology. She hated that.

Lena smiled a small, sympathetic smile. She gently put a hand on Remus' face, making him look at her. "I won't," she said softly.

Remus shook his head. His green eyes were shining.

"You got hurt last time. I hurt you last time."

"Not on purpose," Lena said sincerely, "It wasn't even bad."

"It shouldn't have happened," Remus said adamantly. "It shouldn't happen again."

Lena inched closer to Remus and put her other hand on his arm. "I don't think it will happen again. I know what to expect now."

"Well, I expect that I may hurt you," Remus said doubtfully.

Lena smiled. "Well, I expect that we're just going to cuddle. That's what happened last time for about six hours."

Remus couldn't help but to laugh and pull Lena into a hug.

"Does this mean I can come?" Lena asked, her voice slightly muffled as her face was pressed against her boyfriend.

Remus kissed the top of her head. "Yeah."


After Remus and she had spoken, Lena had remained sitting next to him. She had reached across the table and grabbed her textbook, pulling it over to her. She had uncapped her golden pen and turned back to her work— well, art work, if you could call it that.

For the past two weeks or so, she had been doodling in the bottom, right corner of the even numbered pages of her textbook. She picked her History of Magic textbook because it had more pages than any other of her textbooks. It was ideal for a flip back. Lena had decided to draw a girl diving off a cliff and into the water. As her body submerged into the water, the girl transformed into a mermaid. Lena still had to draw the transformation below the knees.

Once Lena had started drawing twenty minutes ago, Remus had stopped doing any work. He was too occupied looking at her.

Lena's hair was tucked behind her hair and it looked like it would come less any second. It didn't appear to bother her, though. She was completely absorbed in what she was doing. Her eyes were full of concentration, yet her eyes weren't hard like someone would expect from someone so engrossed in their work, Her eyes were soft and calm. Remus supposed it was because she loved what she was doing.

Remus smiled and kissed her cheek. Lena smiled and turned to look up at him. "What?"

Remus grinned. "Nothing."

Lena rolled her eyes lightly. "Why'd you kiss me?"

The words just feel out of his mouth. "I love you."

"That's a good reason," Lena said. Her face broke out into a huge grin. "I love you, too."

Remus smiled as Lena rested her head in the crook of his neck. Everything was perfect.

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