Thursday, 7 April 1977
Gwen and Lena were sitting on the sofa under bundles of blankets and were eating biscuits as they watched Doctor Who on the television. Peter had gone over to James' house.
"It makes no sense," Gwen said as she munched on her biscuit.
"I'm sorry, you can shoot water from your wand and this doesn't make sense to you," Lena said, offended.
Gwen shook her head. "You're such a weirdo."
"I'm not a weirdo. I'm just cultured."
Gwen laughed and ate her biscuit.
Lisa poked her head into the room. "Lena, love, could you come in here for a moment?"
"Sure, Mum," Lena said with a sigh.
She knew from the tone of her mother's voice that they were about to have the dreaded conversation her parents had mentioned in their last letter.
"I'll be back," Lena said to Gwen before following her mother into the kitchen.
Lena sat in front of her parents at the table and fiddled with her fingers.
"Do you remember Mrs. Burton, your old school teacher?" Lisa began.
"The one who took my hair ribbon from me because she said I played with it too much and that it distracted me?" Lena said, still bitter about the whole incident. She had really liked the hair ribbon. It had been blue with clouds on it.
"That's the one," Mark laughed.
"Well, I ran into her a few weeks ago when I was shopping in the market," Lisa said.
"Okay," Lena dragged out, not really sure where the conversation was going. She highly doubted that Mrs. Burton returned her hair ribbon to her mother or that her parents were going to reprimand her for being distracted over something that happened five years prior.
"Well, she remembered you and that you have dyslexia," Lisa said.
Lena bit her lip.
"Because of that, she mentioned this place called the Dyslexia Institute. Your old school is going to send a teacher there over the summer. The institute apparently offers classes to show teachers and parents how to teach kids with dyslexia and they also offer classes for kids with dyslexia," Mark continued.
"The point is that we think all three of us should take classes there over the summer," Lisa continued. "They'll teach you reading and writing strategies and note taking. We know you said it's sometimes hard to write down what people are saying. And the institute can better show us how to help you. And maybe after learning about all these strategies, you'll have more time to enjoy yourself and you'll be less stressed and things will be easier."
Lena looked away from her parents and stared at the fridge and the photos plastered on it.
She swallowed. "Why didn't we take classes there when I was younger? That would've been helpful."
Mark sighed. "They didn't open until 1972 and you had just started Hogwarts. And the Institute's not very well advertised either."
Lena nodded and looked back at her parents. "I'd like to take some classes there."
Lisa smiled. "Wonderful. We'll ring them later and set something up."
Lena kissed her father and her mother on their cheeks. "Thank you... I really appreciate it," Lena whispered.
"You know we'd do anything for you," Lisa said and turned slightly to touch Lena's cheek.
Lena smiled. "I know."

Reading Between The Lines ~ Remus Lupin ~ Book 1
FantasyDespite her great skill in reading between the lines, Lena Pettigrew has always had trouble reading lines. Her dyslexia has always been something she's had compensate for and, through hard work, she's done well in all her classes. Well, that was unt...