chapter 48

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Friday, 10 June 1977

"Jesus, how many people are here?" Peter shouted as they entered the Hufflepuff common room. The Hufflepuff fifth years decided to hold a party to celebrate completing their O.W.L.s and had invited all the other fifth years to come and celebrate. All the other fifth years had come except for the Slytherins. And, of course, people other than the fifth years had come. All the Hufflepuff sixth and seventh years decided to come too, as did Remus, Peter, James, Sirius, Gwen, Lily, Marlene, Dorcas, Mary, Alice, and Frank.

"Too many!" Frank shouted back.

"How in Merlin's name is everyone fitting in here?" Marlene shouted, scanning the room for her girlfriend.

"Magic," Mary grinned.

"Oh, hush, you," Marlene said before sticking her tongue out. Mary stuck her tongue back.

James turned to Lily and Remus and grinned. "How are you two doing, resisting the urge not to enforce your Prefect duties?"

"We're doing just fine," Remus said, thumping James on the back.

Lily rolled her eyes. "We can have a bit of fun, you know, Potter. Unlike you, I know how to strike a balance between work and fun."

"Alright, you lot. Take out your cups," Mary said. "I would like for all of us to be as drunk as the rest of the people there."

"I couldn't agree more, Mare," Sirius grinned and pulled out the bottle of Firewhiskey and poured into the cups the Gryffindors and Gwen had brought.

"Cheers," they said as they taped their cups together.

They threw back their heads as they took the shot. They all winced, except for Remus, who was unaffected.

"God that burns," Dorcas said, shaking her head.

"Oh, look! There's Lena!" Alice said and pointed.

Lena was huddled together with Ava, Zoë, Raj, Alex, Mason, Maggie, and Alex. They were all laughing and joking around and drinking. Maggie and Zoë seemed to be reenacting some incident that occured as they moved their arms wildly as Maggie's facial expressions changed to resemble their Divination professor, Jean Claude de Nostradame, descendent of the famed Nostradamus. Alex bumped Raj on the back as he became transfixed by a Hufflepuff sixth year.

"Shall we go say hi to our girlfriends?" Marlene yelled into Remus' ear.

Remus nodded. "Great minds."

The pair walked over to Lena and Ava. Remus stood behind Lena and wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her. He bent down slightly and kissed her on the cheek. Lena was unable to contain her grin from her friends. She turned her head and tilted her head up, kissing Remus on the lips.

"Hey, you," he said happily.

"Hay is for horses," she grinned.

"Well, I'm a wolf," Remus whispered into her ear jokingly.

Lena rolled her eyes. "You think you're so funny, don't you?"

"I'm a regular Eric Idle," he grinned. Lena couldn't help but to smile.


"Layla, do you want anything?" Remus asked as he went to go get him and Lena some drinks and food.

"I'll take a Pumpkin Pasty if there's any left."

Lena couldn't help but grin as her boyfriend scrunched his face up before walking away.

"Did I say something to offend him?" Layla asked as she tilted her head.

"He hates Pumpkin Pasties with a passion," Lena said grinning.

Layla shook her head, amused. She pointed across the room with her finger. "Reggie will be happy those two are getting on."

Lena turned her head and smiled. Gwen and Sirius were laughing in the corner, chatting about who knows what.

"I still can't believe they're going to live together over the summer," Lena said.

"Thank God they're not living alone," Layla laughed. "Neither of them can cook. They're likely to start a fire."

Lena grinned. "I know. I'm just worried that one of them is gonna kill the other."

They both laughed and then Lena looked at Layla and fell silent.

"I'm sorry Reg's not here."

Layla nodded in agreement. "Me too. So he is."

"So what's the plan over the summer?"

"Same as last year. Kreacher will Apparate him in and out of the house to visit."

"What are you—"

"Alright, I've got a Pumpkin Pasty, Sugar Quills, and three Buttterbeers," Remus said with his arms full.

Lena grinned. "Thank you.

Remus simply beamed back.


Tuesday, 14 June 1977

"What do you mean the two of you signed this lease?! This place is so expensive! Gwen isn't going to make enough from her St. Mungo's job to pay for half of it!" Peter cried as Sirius shared the details of the flat that he and Gwen had decided to rent.

Sirius sucked in his cheeks and looked at the ground. "Well, she's not paying for half."

"She's not paying for half?" James repeated.

Sirius scratched the back of his neck. "Well, she thinks she is."

"And why would she think that?" Remus asked as he put his clothes in his trunk.

"Because I temporarily altered the advertisement in the lease so it looked a lot cheaper than it actually is."

"And why did you do that?" James sighed.

"Because we talked about our respective budgets before we found a place. All the nice places are too expensive so I'm gonna pay for two thirds of the flat and she'll pay for a third. It's not like I can't afford it," Sirius shrugged.

"Why didn't you just tell her that?" Peter asked.

"Because Gwen's a pretty prideful person. She doesn't want anything she'd perceive as pity."

"But it's not pity," Remus said.

Sirius sighed. "I know. But pureblood fanatic families are fucked up. They raise their kids to think that kindness is a sign of pity, even if it's not. It messes with you. It makes you think you can't trust anyone."

"That's a quite nice thing for you to do, Sirius," Remus said. James and Peter nodded in agreement.

James looked at the person he considered a brother. "You know you can trust us."

Sirius smiled. "I've always known that."


Friday, 17 June 1977

"You'll write to me over the summer, right?" Lena asked as she and Regulus sat together in their final Potions class of the year.

"Of course. Just send all your letters to my friend. I'll get them from her."

Lena nodded and looked at Regulus. His grey eyes were full of sadness.

"It won't be long, Reg. You'll only be home for two months," Lena said quietly.

Regulus swallowed. "I know. I just know nothing good will come while I'm home. Nothing ever does."

Lena looked down, unsure of what to say to make him feel better.

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