chapter 37

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Wednesday, 16 March 1977

"This is a bit stalkerish," Raj commented, as he sat next to Lena at the Hufflepuff table during their free period. Ava was sitting with Marlene and Maggie was chatting to Zoë.

"It is not stalkerish," Lena disagreed as she worked on her drawing of Remus who was sitting at the Gryffindor table.

"You're right. It's more creepy than stalkerish."

Lena shoved him playfully. "Shut up."

Raj shook his head. "I refuse to stop teasing you until you do something about it."

Lena added the scars to her drawing of Remus' face. She didn't want to erase or ignore any part of Remus. She loved every part of him.

"That's not really what friends do."

"You're right," Raj replied. "It's what true friends do."

Lena rolled her eyes.

"And do you know what else true friends do for each other?"

"Feed each other?"

"Yes. But they also warn their friend when their crush is coming."

Lena's eyes widened and she tore her eyes away from her sketch to look at Raj., "What?" she cried.

Raj grinned, rising from his seat. "Remus is walking over here right now."

Lena closed her sketchbook shut as Raj walked away and Remus sat down next to her.

"Hi, Remus," she smiled with a slight blush.

"Hi, Lena," Remus smiled back.

The pair stared at each other while smiling without saying anything for a bit.

Remus tugged on his ear and scratched his neck before breaking the silence.

"I wanted to talk to you about something... So, I've been— Well, I wanted to— Um, what I mean to say is—" Remus said quickly, unable to finish his sentence.

Smiling softly, Lena reached out and took his hand in both of hers and squeezed it. She didn't say anything to Remus but she looked at him and her eyes were bright and full of understanding, even though she had no idea what he was attempting to say. One look from her was all he needed to be brave.

"The thing is," Remus swallowed, "I've fancied you for quite a while now and I was wondering if you'd want to go on a date with me."

Remus didn't want to look at Lena's face as he waited for her to answer, one that could be a rejection. But he couldn't look away. He liked looking at her.

Lena's cheeks grew pink and she smiled widely. "Definitely! Do you want to go this weekend?"

Remus grinned back at her.


Saturday, 19 March 1977

"Ow!" Ava cried as a jumper hit her in the face.

"Sorry!" Lena cried back. "Why didn't I pick out what I was going to wear last night like you told me to?"

"Because you never listen to us," Maggie laughed.

"Oh my God, what should I wear?" Lena said, collapsing on her bed.

"How about red?" Zoë suggested. "You always look nice in red."

"I shouldn't wear red though because it usually represents love and I don't want Remus to think I'm in love with him or anything."

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