chapter 28

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Tuesday, 1 February 1977

Lena couldn't help but smile as she saw Remus standing in the corridor talking to Sirius. Lena could hear her charm bracelet tinkling as she tucked her hair behind her ears and exhaled. Lena hoped she didn't fall flat on her face as she approached them.

"Hey, guys!" Lena said eagerly.

"Hey, Lena," they chorused and Remus smiled down at her.

"I've got a question for you, Lee," Sirius stated.

"Ask away."

"Why are you hanging out with Rowle?"

"Well, I assume you know what happened."

"Yeah," Remus said. "Her family disowned her for not marrying Antonin Dolohov."

Sirius nodded. "I never thought Rowle of all people would join the disowned pureblood club with me and Andromedea."

"Well, I thought Gwen could use a friend since her entire house is shunning her. She's actually really cool and—"

"She lets you call her Gwen?! I used to see her at ten pureblood parties a year and she never let me call her Gwen!"

"Well, she only lets friends or people that have earned her trust call her Gwen," Lena said.

"I'm assuming die-hard pureblood parties aren't the best place to establish friendships or bonds of trust," Remus commented.

"Oh, whatever," Sirius said, pouting.

Remus and Lena just smiled at each other.


Friday, 4 February 1977

Lena spat out the Mandrake leaf that she had been keeping in her mouth for over a month in the crystal vial. It was such a relief to rid herself of the foul-tasting leaf. Lena was so grateful as she looked out the owlery window that the full moon was visible. She didn't really want to keep a Mandrake leaf in her mouth for another month.

Lena winced as she plucked a strand of hair from her head and placed it into the vial. With the silver teaspoon James had given her a month earlier, Lena poured the untouched dew into the crystal vial. Lena grabbed the chrysalis of a Death's-head Hawk Moth and added it as well. Lena sealed the vial and placed it in a small, cushioned wooden box. The Hufflepuff then placed a locking charm and silencing charm on it. She would put the box in her trunk later for safe keeping.

All Lena had to do now was point her wand over her heart and say Amato Animo Animato Animagus at every sunrise and sundown and wait for an electrical storm.

Lena placed the box into her rucksack and left the owlery and made her way back to the Hufflepuff dormitory.


"Stop! Don't move!"

Lena winced as she heard the command shouted at her. She had been caught.

Sighing, Lena turned around and came face to face with the person who caught her.

"Lena? What are you doing out of bed?"

"Um, hey, Lily... I was just posting a letter to my parents," Lena lied.

It wasn't a good lie, though. Lily saw through it with her intelligent green eyes. No teenager would post a letter to their parents late on a Friday night.

Lily sighed. "Look, you don't have to tell me. I'm sure you weren't doing anything illegal or bad."

Contrary to what Lily thought, Lena was doing something illegal.

Lena looked at the ground. "I was a bit restless and just needed to walk around. I've got a lot on my mind."

It was true what Lena said. She did have a lot on her mind. Remus and how he was doing was one of the things she was thinking about.

Lily looked at her, her eyes full of kindness. "Why don't I walk you back to Hufflepuff? That way no one will take any points from you or give you detention."

Lena looked at her with wide eyes. "Wait, you're not gonna punish me?"

"No," Lily laughed. "We've all been there and I think there should be little leeway every now and then. 'Absolute power corrupts absolutely.'"

Lily grabbed her hand and led her down the corridor.

"So, how was your birthday the other day?" Lena asked as they made their way to the Hufflepuff dormitory.

"How'd you know it was my birthday?"

"Oh, James had mentioned it to me."

"Oh," Lily paused. "It was good. I went to Scrivenshaft's with Mary and Dorcas and we ran into Remus and Potter and I went to The Three Broomsticks. And then we had a little party in the dorm."

"Wait, you saw Remus and James at Scrivenshaft's?" Lena said, with a small amount of worry in her voice. I guess Remus didn't like the quills I got him for Christmas. And if he didn't like the quills, he probably didn't like the rest of the stuff I got him.

"Yeah, Remus was buying a gift for some girl he likes," Lily shrugged.

"What?" Lena said a bit too loudly.

Lily looked at Lena from the corner of her eyes. Lena's face had gone nearly as red as Lily's hair.

"I didn't realize he liked someone," Lena said more to herself instead of to Lily.

"I wouldn't worry about it too much," Lily assured her.

"Who said I was worried?" Lena cried indignantly.

"No one. I just think he only likes this girl as a friend. I mean, what guy buys a pen for the girl he has a crush on?" Lily said, recalling Dorcas' words to Remus.

Lena found comfort in Lily's words. "Right, that makes sense... And it would matter to me if he was getting a gift for his crush," Lena said quickly. "We're just friends and I want him to be happy."

To Lily, Lena sounded slightly dejected. Lily knew Lena meant what she was saying— that she and Remus were friends and she wanted him to be happy. She also knew, or rather could tell, that Lena wanted to be more than friends with Remus.

Lena turned to Lily as she reached the door to the Hufflepuff dormitory. "I can see why James likes you. You have a really great perspective on things and you're so nice, even to people you don't know that well."

Lily gave Lena a confused look. Lena grinned. "What? You didn't just think James liked you for your looks, did you?"

Lily opened her mouth to say something but she couldn't make any words come out.

"Night, Lily! Thanks for taking me back!" Lena said brightly, waving as she closed the door.

"Night, Lena," Lily said slowly, lost in her thoughts.

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