chapter 41

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Tuesday, 19 April 1977

"So how was your birthday?" Lena asked as she mixed their potion counterclockwise until it turned a shade of golden yellow

Regulus had turned sixteen on Easter Sunday, the tenth. In addition to another drawing of him and Layla, Lena had given him a Minding Merlin record and some cards for Magical Creature before the break. She had sent it to him over the break without writing her name on the package. Instead, she had written from "Your Secret Admirer" on the card so his parents didn't have a fit over Regulus befriending a Hufflepuff half-blood. She had told Regulus about her plan to send the package in advance. He thought it was hilarious.

Regulus smiled down at the potions textbook they were using. "Really good, I snuck out late at night with Kreacher's help and saw Layla... I really love her, Lena. I really do. I want to be with her all the time."

Lena looked at Regulus and decided not to respond. His always handsome face, normally full of broodiness and tension, was relaxed. There was a dopey smile on his face, the kind that children get on their faces when they're dreaming of exciting adventures in far off lands. Regulus's eyes were full of stars. He was in another world, one where he was with Layla without any fears.

Lena hoped that that world would soon replace the world they lived in now.


Thursday, 21 April 1977

It was a remarkably warm day outside for a spring day in Scotland and the students of Hogwarts were taking advantage of it. Most of the students had laid blankets on the grass and were laying on them and munching on snacks. Some of the students were dangling their legs and feet into the Black Lake despite its water being cold. Others were climbing various trees, playing football, or were in general just messing around.

Remus and Lena were no exception. They were sitting on a blanket, leaning against a tree. Lena was resting against Remus, who had one arm wrapped around her. He used his other hand to hold his copy of Dune and expertly turn pages single-handedly as he read the book aloud. While Lena loved the pen Remus had given her, which she used constantly, Lena thought there was nothing better than hearing Remus' actual voice. There was just something so special about his voice. It made her feel happy. It made her feel smarter. It made her feel understood. It made her feel safe. It made her feel loved.

Every few minutes or so, Lena would raise her arm and pop a crisp or a piece of chocolate in Remus' mouth. In return, he would kiss the top of her head, causing her to smile a bit wider.

"Hey, lovebirds."

Remus and Lena blushed as they looked up, the sun momentarily blinded them. In front of them stood Raj and Gwen.

Raj and Gwen sat down on the blanket and the former leaned over and stole the bag of crisps. Remus put down the book but kept his arm around Lena. "Hey guys," he said, "What's up?"

"Not much," Gwen sighed. "Although we did just see Maggie snogging Mason Stone."

"Wait, what!?" Lena said, peering her head around in excitement, trying to catch a glimpse.

Raj opened his mouth to say something but stopped as Gwen let out a squeal of excitement. Remus, Lena, and Raj looked at Gwen with faces of shook surprise. Squealing was so uncharacteristic of Gwen.

"What?" Raj said.

"There's a dog!" Gwen squealed gleefully. "Look! Look!"

Raj, Remus, and Lena turned their gaze to where Gwen was pointing. Sure enough, there was a dog. It was a large, black dog in fact. The dog was walking between Peter and James, who were approaching them.

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