chapter 35

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Thursday, 10 March 1977

Remus had been acting slightly jittery ever since Sirius and James recommended that he tell Peter that he planned to ask Lena out. He knew it was the decent thing to do, but he did not want to do it. There was just something so awkward about planning to inform one of your best friends that you want to ask their younger sibling out because they're all you think about, Remus thought.

Remus wasn't sure what came over him as he, Sirius, James, and Peter rearranged the beds in the room so there would be more space for Remus' party for when their friends arrived.

"I'm gonna ask your sister out!" Remus blurted.

James and Sirius exchanged panicked looks.

Peter laughed as he turned around. "That's funny, Moony," Peter said. His laughter died as he looked at Remus' face. "Oh, fuck! You're serious!"

"No, I'm Sir—"

Peter glared at him. "Padfoot, don't even finish that sentence or I will kill you."

Sirius frowned and looked at his lap as James whispered to Remus.

"We told you to tell him gently and in private!"

"You two knew!" Peter cried and pointed at them accusingly.

"Don't look at us, Wormtail!" James said.

"He's the one who wants to ask out your sister!" Sirius finished, pointing at Remus.

Remus groaned as Peter turned his attention back to him.

"You're asking me if you can date my sister?"

"Oh, no," Remus said. "I'm not asking for your permission. I'm just informing you that I'm going to ask your sister out."

There was a long awkward pause. James pretended to clean his glasses and Sirius rested his forehead on his hand. Remus and Peter just stared at each other, with Peter's mouth hanging open.

"So, do you have any questions?" Remus asked, breaking the silence.

Peter nodded. "A lot, actually. Like why are you asking her out?"

"Well, I've liked Lena for quite a while now and it's been killing me not to do anything about it.

"How long?" Peter demanded.

"How long what?" Remus asked, although he knew what Peter was asking.

"How long have you liked my sister?"

"I've always liked her," Remus said simply.

The fact that he admitted to his best friend that he liked his sister was no longer phasing him. Admitting it had taken a load of nerves and stress off of Remus' shoulders.

Remus could practically see the steam coming out of Peter's ears. "I meant romantically! How long have you fancied her?"

"Oh, definitely since this summer. Probably before then too, if I'm being honest. I just don't think I realized that my feelings changed before this summer."

James and Sirius wanted to run out of the room and both of them silently thought this was one of the worst experiences of their lives. That said a lot considering Sirius had grown up with Orion and Walburga Black as parents, Bellatrix Lestrange as a cousin, and was disowned by the age of sixteen.

"What if she says no?" Peter asked. "Things are going to be weird if she says no."

"She's not gonna say no," Sirius snorted.

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