Yakuza Elimination

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The Yakuza has been foreshadowed in the game since the beginning. Then with the addition of Buruza Town and the Yakuza in the alleyway, I think it's nearly a guarantee that they'll be in future installments of the game. This can go a fuckton of ways but I think one thing will remain constant:

Someone on the campus is connected to the Yakuza.

I think that should be figured out through rumors, the person outright threatening to call the Yakuza, or Info-chan just tells you (which is boring).
So this is what I would do or would like to see.


Let's start with the one that's most likely to happen:

1. Selling Rivals (or anyone really) to the Yakuza for organ or human trafficking

This is actually really, REALLY fucking dark. But it makes sense in the context of the game.

After befriending the Yakuza student, Ayano can ask to get rid of someone she hates. The student will ask for payment (possibly a large sum of money) then contact the Yakuza to take care of that student.
Possibly a cutscene will show that student getting kidnapped by either a group of guys or an unmarked van. Possibly the day, at night, or the morning after.
The student reports back to Ayano that the victim has been taken care of and warns her that if she wants another student gone, the price will be higher.

--This will only be available once a week. This should only be for the rivals but if Ayano really has someone she needs to get rid of, it can be used for them too.

2. Hitman

We all know how much Yandere Dev loves Hitman. Besides an easter egg and Mission Mode, I'm surprised the ability to hire a hitman isn't possible yet.

Ayano befriends Yakuza student, she asks for a favor. Payment ensues and contact has been made.
The following day, a mysterious (male or female) student appears on campus. He/She heads directly for the target and pulls out a gun. BANG! All the students are in such shock over the sudden murder that the hitman just walks away without anyone stopping him/her. The hitman exits the campus, completing the mission.
The student reports back of a job done and tells her of higher payment the next time.

*A new hitman will be sent every time, each will do something different. One will shoot, another stabs, one will set on fire, etc.
*Ayano can give specific instructions to the hitman prior to them coming and they can pull off the murder.

--People will recognize if a mysterious person is on campus so the hitman can't linger around for long. Just like in the game Hitman, if they get recognized, they'll be apprehended.
--If they take too long or can't find the target, they'll leave, frustrated, and give Ayano her money back. They may be criminals but they're not going to scam her.

3. Torture

I'm sure in future installments of the game, Ayano may have the police at her house searching for evidence if the last time a rival/student was seen was going to her house. If the student(s) are in her basement and the police find them, Game Over.
If Ayano is a prime suspect in the murders and disappearances of students and they check her house, it's bad. Especially since her mother was like this back in the 80s, they're going to assume that her daughter is the same.
Long story short, it's best that Ayano doesn't have a missing person or evidence of the missing person in her house.

Same, same, same... The Yakuza locate the student and kidnap them. The student is missing for a day and returns to school, completely broken.
The Yakuza student reports to Ayano that the student will no longer get in the way. If that student was a rival, they won't confess to Senpai since they feel nothing towards him now.
The student/rival will spend a lot of time alone, hiding from crowds in fear of being kidnapped again.

*This is a Broken Student, not a mindslave. They won't kill anyone. They won't respond to the sight of murder, run off the campus, but won't tell the police. (Think of it as when a delinquent sees the corpse of a bully)
*I think something unique to add here is that Taro/Senpai should approach the rival at some point then ask what happened and what lead to them being like this. The rival won't respond and just walk away.

This is actually is the best thing to happen for the game's sake because 1) Ayano's hands are clean, 2)The student returned and appears to be okay, and 3) They won't confess to Senpai.

Author's Notes

This was honestly a bit rushed because I felt like I needed to post something. But I do like this idea. I'm sure at least one of these will be used for a Yakuza elimination. 
Human/Organ trafficking seems to be the most likely to happen 100%.
 But I like the idea of hiring a hitman a little more just because it's simple and significantly less dark.
I only proposed the idea of torture because I think the Yakuza can do things significantly worse than what Ayano can do in her basement since they have more at their disposal. Thus only being a day than the three days that it will take Ayano.

Again sorry, I'm working on bigger chapters so this is much shorter. Expect more like this while I'm doing bigger projects.

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