Hypothetical Task 4: Yaku Zaishi

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Available after he and Horo Guramu finish their final conversation of the anime.

"Hm, yes, there is something. There's this girl I always see drawing anime figurines in front of the Sociology Room where those weird gamer students are. If you didn't know, those figures are from Magical Girl Pretty Miyuki so she's probably a fan. My friend doesn't seem to like the anime so I don't want to bother him about it anymore. It's a waste of breath at this point. So it'd be nice if I had someone to talk to about it. Something tells me that she doesn't have anyone with a shared interest. How about you put in a good word for me?"

--Yaku wants to talk to an Art Club member who draws anime characters to see if she shares the same interests.--

"Y-You will? Thanks!"

Eiko Nunomaki's (Efude Nurimono) Response:

"WHAT?! There's another fan of-" *doing the pose* "Magical Girl Pretty Miyuki!~" *stops* "-here?! Like, genuinely likes it and not because it's mainstream?! Why didn't you tell me sooner?! I gotta go find this guy! Science Club, right? Visor? Got it! I'm heading there right now!"

She runs over to meet Yaku. Once she arrives, they talk enthusiastically about the amine, both finally finding someone who shows the same amount of interest.

--Completing the task--

"She's pretty cool! Turns out we connected pretty well! I'm learning stuff I didn't even know of before! Thanks a lot, new friend!"


Their schedule changes, appearing to be close friends. During their lunch, Yaku and Efude will wander around the campus. They'll stop at random locations, inside and outside, and talk (no dialogue but talking animations). Yaku will talk, Eiko will draw. It appears like they're gathering references for something...
At one point their schedule at lunch changes again. They're sitting at a table and Eiko spreads out rough drafts of manga pages all over the table. Yaku makes comments and notes, Eiko writes them down.
Some point down the line, Ayano can open up the school's website on her computer and seeing them advertising their manga.

Yaku and I made a manga together!~ Please check it out, we spent a lot of time on it! Here's the link! 
--Anything for you, Efude!~
--I'm excited!

Eiko and I made a manga together! We finished our first volume today and we finally found a website to publish it on. It would mean a lot if we had some support. Here's the link.
--Sure, why not?
--I'm expected to be enlightened, Zaishi.
--Didn't think you were the creative type. I'm on board.

Author's Note

Not much to say here this time! I just like the idea of someone who is clearly obsessed with an anime sharing that interest with someone else.
And honestly, he sounds like the type that would make fanfic or something for the show so, now that he has an art friend, why not make a manga? Makes sense, right? He creates the story, she makes it come to life.
And according to her wiki page, she already makes manga in her own spare time so it doesn't make a difference to her. She now has someone to bounce ideas off with for it to have the potential to be good. (Which helps when you're making a story, trust me.)
Not only that, it's a way to liven up the background and show that some characters have things they're interested in. For all we know, Yaku has a hobby in creative writing but his career interest is with science. Who knows, and honestly I'm just thinking way too hard on this.

*I also want to make a habit of using their real names. As the game progresses, I realized that Yan-Dev started applying real names to the characters and have their old names being a nickname of sorts. So if it helps, I'll put their real name first, then their old name next to it. This is with any character that gets their name changed.

See you in the next concept!

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