Acid Elimination

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Chemistry Class

The class was doing experiments including dangerous chemicals, which they needed to be very careful with. One of the tan girls wasn't paying attention, being occupied by her phone. During an attempt to take a picture of herself, she knocks over a glass of liquid. Luckily, the teacher was nearby and pulled her out of the way.

"Be careful!" The teacher warns. "That's nitric acid. The stuff can cause a serious chemical burn on your skin."
"Pfft, whatever..."
"And it can't be fixed unless you want to spend a lot of money on treatment. And seeing that you're not following proper PPE, you could have had third-degree burns. Second-degree if you're lucky." (PPE: Personal Protective Equipment)

--Ayano makes note of this--

*Acid, specifically Nitric Acid, is a corrosive acid and a powerful oxidizing agent. The major hazard it poses is a chemical burn that decomposes living tissue.* If not following the proper PPE, acid can cause serious damage to the skin. Check out acid burns when you get the chance, those get ugly when not treated as soon as possible.

The Science Lab will have bottles of this stuff. Ayano will only need as many as she wants to either dump acid on a student or eliminate/hinder a rival.

Bucket Dump

Just like with gasoline, water, and blood, Ayano can dump a bucket of acid on an assuming student or rival.

"What... What is this...? O-Ow... It's burning! BURNING!"

They will immediately run to the Science Lab and use the shower. Then they will walk out, soaking wet, and limp to the Nurse's office. There will be visible burn wounds and some holes in their clothes. They lay on a bed. Between class periods, that student will disappear from school since they have been sent to a hospital to treat their wounds. Regardless of what happens, the student will return with minimal wounds and bandages, continuing with their normal schedule.

Yes, acid burns hurt. They fucking hurt and they take a while to heal. If acid was dumped from above, it will most likely eat away from the hair, face, clothes, and body. In real life.
But this is a fucking video game, luckily! So let's just say that the student, regardless of how far they were from the Science Lab's shower, they made it out relatively unscathed and only walked off needing a couple of bandages. 
--The bandages will be wrapped around the forehead and a bandaid on the right cheek. The rest will be hidden but if the student were to change into their gym clothes or bathing suit, there will be bandages on the left arm and calf.

Rival Acid Elimination (Specifically Kizana)

I was going to make this its own individual chapter for this elimination but this is minor and I have something bigger for Kizana. So this elimination can go here.

Kizana Sunobu always appeared to be a rival who completely depends on her appearance. It appears like if her face was ever ruined, she'd hide away and will be too embarrassed to confess to Senpai.
If not, she'd wear a mask to cover the flawed areas of her face. 
So honestly, it's up to ya'll to decide if this will completely eliminate her or just be an inconvenience.

I see Ayano getting the acid from one of two areas: The Science Club's vat of acid or the acid from the Science Lab. Regardless of where she decides to get it, GLOVES ARE IMPORTANT. Not the flimsy silk gloves, no, legit gloves for handling chemicals.
These can be your standard latex gloves for the high school setting or even better, the gloves that Kaga Kusha wears in his introduction illustration, which look like nitrite gloves. These can be found in any science lab. 

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