So... Yan-Sim is almost done...

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I heard about the June 15th update and how it's the final update before all the rivals are in officially. To be honest I didn't think the game would get this far only a year after Osana got released. Congrats, Yandere Dev, you exceeded my expectations. 

Well, I'll still make concepts for the game. It's fun and allows me to stretch out my creative muscles. Instead of making something from scratch, I have to use an established property and go from there. Way harder than I thought it would be and I enjoy the challenge.
 So I'll just keep making concepts. It may never see the light of day but it's okay. That's the whole point of a concept.

To be honest, I don't play the game. I've always said I'd probably never play the game even in its finished state. I've always watched other Youtubers play it, at least the ones who are still interested, so that's what I'll do.

And yes... I'm in the part of its fandom that is extremely salty that it took this long. I'm sure a lot of us are. I didn't financially support the game, I've been broke and I'm university so I'm even more broke. Couldn't support it if I wanted to so I'm not that mad, I'm mad on behalf of the people that did pay.

I can't say I have high expectations, I've learned to keep the bar low in life in general. For the few things we did get to see, I'm pretty excited to see. (Also for a Budo fangirl's sake, I am literally praying that he plays a bigger role in the final game. Come on, you can't disappoint the fans of this man, right?) 

But anyway, I read through the blog post and I'm proud to say that it's pretty cool the game's almost done. And well... I'll still be here.

Also to anyone reading, I actually want to ask you if there's anything that you wanted to see in the game. Like if you had a concept, what would be your quick pitch?
Here's a spoiler for a future chapter of mine: "Amai eliminations including an oven."
I'd be glad to credit you and then expand upon the idea. Because, if you're anything like me, you can't animate/or draw either and the only way you can participate is in writing. 
You can reach out to me either through private messaging or through comments. Trust me, even if it may take me a while, I'll get to you. :)
I'm also making a top 10 list of the rivals but it turns out I had more to say about each one than I thought so look out for that.

Okay, quick and messy update done. See you in the next concept!

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