Ayano's New Job Minigames

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Hospital Janitor

Ayano is dropped into a maze-like map with a mop. She is in a stereotypical janitor's uniform.
Only during the first playthrough, an older male janitor approaches her.

"Hey, you must be the new janitor! Don't worry, this job is really simple. There are messes all over this hospital. There's only so much time in your shift so clean up as many messes as you can. Once the floor is clean, you are free to go. If you run out of time, it's okay but you won't be paid as much so... try to get it all, okay? Oh, and the hospital is pretty big and filled with dead ends to try not to get lost. Good luck."

To increase difficulty, the time won't change but there will be more floors she needs to clean. There will be a counter on the top of the screen letting the player know how many messes Ayano cleaned (X) and how much she has left (Y). "X/Y messes cleaned."

Easy: One floor
Medium: Two floors
Hard: Three floors

Ayano can access a map layout of the hospital floor(s) to see where she has and hasn't been to keep track.

These interactions will happen from now on.

-Time's Up and Ayano didn't clean all the messes: "Time to clock out! Aw, looks like you didn't get them all. It's okay! The morning shift can handle it. Here's your paycheck."
-Cleaned up all the messes before time is up: "Wow, this place is spotless! And you're done early? Looks like you get to go home! Here's your paycheck."

Lab Assistant

Ayano is sitting in front of the chemistry equipment. She is in a lab coat, wearing gloves, and safety goggles.
During the first playthrough, a female higher-up approaches her table.

"I haven't seen you around before. You must be new. Here's the gist. You are given a list of chemicals. Once you get a good look at the list, put the chemicals in the beaker in whatever order you like. If you do it right, move on to the next list and beaker. If not... Well, you'll know if it's wrong. And the damages will be taken out of your paycheck. Do as many as you can in one shift. The more you get right, the more you'll be paid."

To increase difficulty, Ayano will only get so much time to read her list before someone takes it.
Like a "Hey, let me see that." And they won't return it.

Easy: Can access list as much as she needs
Medium: Less time to memorize lists
Hard: Longer lists, less time to memorize lists, can only make 3 mistakes before a game over.

These interactions will happen from now on.

-Game Over: "*cough cough*! Alright, stop, stop! What a mess! Hold on, let me do some calculations for your paycheck.... *mumble, mumble*... Here. Please go home."
-Time's Up: "That's time, night shift! Clean up, hang your coats, and go home! Come get your paychecks on the way out."


Ayano is seen sitting in front of a computer. Only during the first playthrough, a male coworker around her age approaches her.

"Hey, we have a newbie! The job is simple! Here are your documents in Japanese. Translate it into English! Translate as many as you can before the end of your shift. Try to avoid errors, alright? It'll come out of your paycheck."

It is a timed typing game. Ayano is given short paragraphs to type in English. The player needs to type as fast as they can with minimal errors. The player cannot delete their mistake, the game will keep going but the mistakes (the letters missed) will be seen in red.

Easy: Short paragraphs, can make errors
Medium: Half a page, 5 errors lead to a game over
Hard: Full pages, 3 errors lead to a game over

These interactions will happen from now on.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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