Dating Characters

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So I was working on a draft for dating a certain character when I decided "Fuck this, let's open it for everyone!" This is a two-part. This one is the concept of it and which personas will do what. The second part will be which characters I was thinking of and the benefits/downsides of each. Basically, lowkey shipping but our heartless protagonist is just using them rather than genuine love.

Okay, let's get this out of the way.

Will this be available for rivals?
... No.
I'm thinking this from the game's standpoint. The rivals don't even know Ayano is unless they share a class with her. If they do know her, they know she's weird. I'm sure they'd be on edge that the weird kid in their class started romantically pursuing her.

The Basics

So to start, Ayano can't just point at a character and say "You're my boyfriend/girlfriend now." No matter what her reputation is, she needs to befriend the character first. It can be doing a task (if they have one) or complimenting them multiple times if possible.
1. Needs to be befriended.
Another thing to do is make sure their view on Ayano isn't tainted. They can't catch her odd behavior or... Y'know... In the act of killing someone. If she's dating someone within a club, their club members can't catch her doing anything bad since the word will spread. And no, excuses won't clear it up.
2. With the student, Ayano's reputation must be clean.
Don't think if Ayano is a good person and friend, that will be all. Just like anyone else, they have standards. And in this rather superficial school, Ayano needs to fit what her chosen partner likes.
3. Edits with appearance and desired traits.

That's all! 

Okay, now Ayano has her chosen partner. Whatever their criteria are, Ayano fits perfectly. Now, what can this person do for her?
Depending on who the person is, they can give different benefits for her. This is just a generalization for a few personas.
-A Heroic can guarantee protection if she even gets in a fight. Whether fighting off the attacker or using their words to deescalate.
-A Social Butterfly can slowly improve her reputation over the course of the game. Through posting or word-of-mouth, they'll make sure their new girlfriend is seen as a good person.
-A Teacher's Pet can ensure that Ayano is on good terms with teachers. Even if she's late, breaking rules, or not present multiple times.
-Loners/Cowards can't provide much, but since they're more available, they're more likely to do things for Ayano.


Rather than asking them to follow Ayano, she can instead ask to hang out with her.
"Hey, do you wanna hang out for a little bit?"
"Sure! I'd love to spend time with you!"

This also comes with the ability to have your romantic partner constantly follow you.
There is no timer to let the player know that a character will stop following you. Unless the character already has a responsibility, i.e. a club member or leader, they have no reason to not follow you. Even if they have a responsibility, they'll stay with you even longer. Until the time goes out:
"Sorry, I got to go now. I'll see you later, okay?"

This won't apply to the Delinquents, people who aren't doing club activities, or anyone who is clubless. Come on, we all know they're not busy. They'll follow you until class starts or if they leave at a certain time.

When they walk with Ayano, they will hold her hand and only look at her. If Ayano tells them to wait while she does something, they'll wait for her. If they're busy, they'll leave.
If they're busy: "Sorry, I can't stay. If you're busy, I'm going to go back. See you later."
If not: "Don't keep me waiting!~" They won't budge, trust me.

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