Delinquents Characterization

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I can't be the only one who has issues telling which delinquent is who outside of Umeji. If it wasn't for the backlog of delinquent content that I have in my drafts, I wouldn't comfortably tell you who's who. 
So in my indefinite hiatus from Yan-Sim (along with the... things that came to light), I noticed that while the models look a lot better from the last time I saw them, no one really changed. And since there is an establishment on the reasons why they were bullied the previous year, we have that effect on their appearance now. Except for Umeji, since there's still nothing on his backstory yet.

I want these boys to have genuine issues that need to be fixed.



He's the only one I wouldn't change due to lack of information. I even like his design so I wouldn't change anything there.

So I guess if I had to change something... if you were to see in his gym clothes or bathing suit, he'd have significantly more scars on his shoulder region, arms, and legs compared to the others. Some deep, some shallow. 
Where'd they come from? He won't say because it's none of your business.

But... If I could do something. If Ayano attempts to get closer to Umeji, more favors done for him, Umeji may confide in her his history. Which leads to an optional mission to help him get some closure for what happened to him or get revenge.

***I know a theory floating around the fandom is that his mother/sister is the lingerie shop owner and he was possibly bullied for that. I actually like this theory but I won't hold onto the hope that it will ever be made canon unless it has something to do with Ayano's story or some sort of side mission.
Honestly, it'd be really cool if he was. I can imagine him being in Buruza town by the pier early in the morning or late at night and Ayano being able to build rapport with him to be. But that's a concept for another day. Maybe.


He was bullied for being that quiet kid you never heard talk. Granted, the school is small so I guess one quiet kid would stand out.

If I were to change his story, he possibly spent a lot of time alone by choice. A Loner that no one ever heard speak but it's not like anyone was going out of their way to talk to him. He just enjoys his own company, which is why he chooses to be in places where he can be alone. His bullies thought it was because he was incapable of making friends and tormented him for it. 

So to make him different, he speaks briefly but he'll talk in full sentences if he likes you. He also wears a different face mask every day.

"Answer sheet. Teacher's lounge. Get it, then we'll talk."
Wow, you just...huh... I hate to admit it, but maybe I was wrong about you..."

If the delinquents ever get reformed, his persona would be Akane. He'd spend a lot of his time alone outside close to their old hangout spot reading a book. He's still choosing to be alone but can be seen with the rest of the group during lunch and after school.


He was bullied for his flamboyant nature so he responded by being overly masculine. That's unfortunately a source of bullying for a lot of people. But seeing how Tsuruzo Yamazaki is just fine and is even a respected individual, Hokuto most likely didn't have a social standing or an authoritative position to protect him.

If I were to change his backstory it'd still keep his flamboyant nature. He straddled the line between the feminine and masculine in appearance and demeanor and, for a while, didn't care what people thought of him. Even while being bullied, it didn't stop him from expressing his identity. At least until Haynari was being bullied along with him for an unknown reason that not even Hokuto knew at the time. Hokuto took the brunt of the bullying and attempted to push Hayanari away. Well, Hayanari wasn't leaving and the bullying brought them closer than ever. 
He has a lot of guilt, believing he's the reason his friend was bullied.

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