Communicating with Senpai over Social Media REWRITE (1)

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This was something that I made a long time ago while I was at the peak of my university studies. It was rushed and pretty bad so I want to rewrite it.
It really didn't make sense because Taro would act out of character and have no social media awareness. It was more of a headcanon of how Ayano and Taro would act if they were online friends, not how'd they would really act in the Yan-Sim world. Now having a better grasp on the characters, I'm rewriting this. Enjoy!

So to start, we all know that Ayano has some form of social media through Yancord so we're going to start there. Taro himself has a Yancord. I'm using Yancord because it makes more sense than the weird blogpost/school website that the game has already.
Since Taro has no idea who the hell Ayano is, she needs to steal his phone to know his social media.
Assuming that Taro will be more vulnerable to distractions in the future (bucket dump, music, sound distractions) it will be easy to snag his phone when he's not looking.

Step 1: Steal Senpai's phone.

Let's just make this easy, he gets dumped by the water bucket and leaves his phone behind in the locker room. Ayano quickly snags his phone and looks through it to learn more about him. His family, friendships, he's an introvert, likes, and dislikes, etc.

Step 2: Learn more about him and see what social media he has. *What you learn in the short time span of having his phone can help with future conversations.*  

She notices that he has a Yancord and his only friend on there is Osana and is only on one server. Let's just assume that the book he's reading has a plotline and this server is for said book. And it's a server he started. Every time someone joins, he directly interacts with them. She makes note of his server and returns his phone. She decides to make her move...

Step 3: Once you get home, log on to the site you found him on and reach out.

That night, Ayano logs into Yancord, searches his server, and attempts to talk. 

--There will be separate dialogue options but this is just a concept so this will only be the correct path Who knows, if I want, I can show all the ways this can go wrong in separate chapters.--

*Ayano Aishi joins the server*

Oh, hi!
I didn't think anyone was going to join the server!
I mean, there are a few people here, but they don't talk much.
How can I help you?

I just got into the book and I was looking for a place to ask questions.
Can you help?

Yes! Ask away!

*Ayano uses what she saw in Taro's notes to ask questions*

Oh, don't worry.
I was confused too.

*He explains*

Does that help?

Yes. Thank you.
These characters are much deeper than I thought!

I know!
Funny enough, you're the first to ask questions!
Huh, I think this conversation is bothering people...
Strange, I thought people liked active servers...
Here, let's move this to private messages.
Is that okay?


--They move to private DMs--

I just realized something.
Your name.
You're new, huh?

Yes. I am.
I'm still trying to figure out my tag.

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