Dressing Up as Rivals (or other students)

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So as I was working on my bigger chapter for Kizana, I thought about the possibility of dressing up as one of the members to frame them for the murder. Then I thought "Why stop there? How about have this available for others?"
I am aware that Yandere Dev brought this up in one of his older videos and I've even seen some concepts expanding on this idea. So, I'd like to throw my hat in the ring.

Plus, I'm working on a ton of other chapters that are taking way longer than I hoped and I feel like I need to churn out some content so I apologize if this is not as good.


So from previous concepts I've seen, people usually have it so that you can get the outfit and wig of a rival from Info-chan. I personally think that's just way too convenient and extremely creepy of Info-chan to do that. More convenient and creepy than she already is.

How I think this should be done:

 --Have Ayano purchase the female uniform (either from Info-chan or from a store) and have her make modifications/additions on her own. Ayano will have to purchase these things from stores, so it will be costly.
--Wigs will also be purchased from stores. If not, the Drama Club contains wigs that can be modified. For rivals with more outlandish styles, the Gaming Club has cosplay wigs that can be customized.
--If makeup is necessary, she'll need that as well. I'm assuming that since Ayano is a high school girl, she possibly has her own makeup. But other than that, she can use the vanity and costume makeup backstage of the auditorium or can purchase it.
--I wouldn't worry too much about eye color, let's just say everyone got hit with the "I'm stupid" stick and won't notice. Though if it does bother you, Ayano can purchase colored contacts.
*Money plays a big role, you see.*

Understanding the rivals and how they affect their surroundings is extremely important. If a rival has someone or a group of people following him, they know if this rival is different from how she usually acts. So Ayano needs to be convincing.
1. Correct persona
2. Nearly identical way of speaking and diction. Or else the odd silence will put people off.
3. Their schedule isn't important but if they have a club, someone following them, or a group following, this can be useful.

Okay, how do you impersonate the rival if they're at school?

They can't need to be in the vicinity and if you want to see the aftermath of what Ayano does, they need to be alive.
I propose the "knockout" option and hide their body.

What can Ayano do?

1. Ruin Student's Reputation

Acting insane, being rude to others, being a gossip, etc. Also, now with the disguise, Ayano won't be completely incapable to talk to Senpai. She's the rival now, she can directly interact with him by having "the rival" be a complete asshole to him.

Ayano, disguised as the rival, can get rid of her disguise and return to school the following day. The rival has no clue why the student body refuses to interact with her, even Senpai.

"H-Hey Senpai-"
"Leave me alone, (rival name)."
"W-Wait! What did I do?!"
"You know exactly what you did and now you're pretending like you don't? Wow, I thought you were better than that."

Her reputation is now in the gutter and after that day, she will refuse to come to school. Still have no clue what happened to cause the entire school to turn her back on her.

2. Frame for Murder (and have witnesses)

Simple, dressed as a rival, commit murder in front of someone or a group of people who will run and tell the police. *Max 3 because I think it takes four people to pin Ayano down*
Ayano gets rid of her disguise and returns to a normal school setting.
The police arrive, there's witness testimony that the rival did it. The police find a passed-out rival hidden away somewhere and they arrest her for murder. She claims that she has no idea what they're talking about but they're not falling for such an obvious lie and take her away.

3. Burn Bridges With Their Peers

Ruining reputations is one thing but imagine losing a close friendship. Or not being welcomed back into a group you were always a part of.
You know how Ayano can be kicked out of a club if she does something wrong? Just imagine a rival getting kicked out of her club or group because she angered every single one of them.
Osana loses her bond with Raibaru and Senpai because she said and did some awful things that they can't forgive.
Osoro being kicked from her own gang because she reminded them too much of what they already with through.
Hanako losing a close connection with her brother, to the point that he refuses to acknowledge her and leaves the area when she attempts to talk to him.

Leave them completely alone and unable to recover. This also includes ruining their bond with Senpai but they're completely unaware of it until they attempt to confess. Where he's shocked that she'd even attempt this.


Now in terms of dressing up as other students, this is going to be short. 

I think it should only be used as a stepping stone into eliminating rivals. Not as a regular thing. And it's only specific students, not just anyone. Just like for the rivals, they can be framed for murder.
In this case, if the rival was in a group/club, it will only be limited to dressing up as the members. Unless a rival has a rivalry against someone outside their group, that student will be available.

Yes, this also applies to male students. Personally, I don't think it should extend only to female students. I believe Ayano can pretend to be a male student as long as she doesn't speak. She needs to convey through her actions that she is the person she is pretending to be.

In this case, Ayano can purchase the male/female uniform from Info-chan since having accessories won't be a big deal. Wigs will still need to be purchased elsewhere. Colored contacts are also not necessary.

Author's Notes

Well, there goes my chance to do once-a-week chapters. A lot has been going on behind the scenes so I haven't been able to post so often. If the next gap between uploads happens, I apologize. I'm not abandoning it, I just hit a block between working on bigger chapters.


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