A few updates

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Yan-Sim is nearly finished so what's going to happen to the book?

So I just so happened to be on Twitter just a few days ago and found out that YandereDev just implemented the 10th rival and doing bug testing. Wow, that was fast. I kinda laughed since I seriously thought it was going to take him longer. I'm happy, no doubt but I still had an eyebrow raised when I heard the news. So I guess once the full game releases, the long wait will finally be over.

So where does it leave this book? Still be here. It'll be more of what I wanted to be in the game rather than just a concept. I made the book since I didn't have the time or patience to learn how to make them in-game. Writing is just easier. And I'll keep writing until I run out of ideas.

My Absence

I guess I'll address my infrequent upload schedule here. It's like I go on the undocumented hiatuses then upload two or three chapters then disappear. Well, university snuck up on me and before I knew it, I was busy. When I had time, I'd write as much as I can. Some were already done so I read it through and if I think it's good enough, I post it. I tend to be a perfectionist when it comes to these things so I hate putting out something subpar. There used to be a lot of these concepts but I take them down and redo them. That's why some will be in multiple parts rather than one giant chapter. Plus, smaller portions are easier to read. I may not consider myself a part of this fandom but they do deserve something adequate every now and then.

What to expect from future chapters

To make it short: expect short chapters and long waits between uploads. I'm one for quality over quantity so I do want each upload to be good. When I'm on a roll, I'll upload one part every day until I go radio silence.

I want to create more hypothetical tasks for some students, those are relatively quick to make but I also want some to change the course of the game. Almost like "Should Ayano help them? They can get in her way in the future..." And I'm not sure if that's executed well enough. And a few are my own headcanon expansions to make them a little more compelling.

Let's throw something at the wall here... Geiju, right? Red-head painter guy, leader of the Art Club? What if his limited speech is something to do with his physical/mental health but speaking about it will have him looked down on? No, not "I'm a tortured artist so I stay silent", an actual health problem. If Ayano helps him out, his speech pattern doesn't change but he'll be seen outside the club room more often in an attempt to socialize. That's interesting, right? Well, we already know we'll never get that in the game due to him not being an important character. But it can be a side mission that can boost Ayano's popularity if she can help him overcome it. (This was a task I made but dropped since I thought it was digging in too deep into a surface-level character)

And there is something huge I was working on for a few characters, and due to my lack of time, are taking way longer than they should be. Nothing really to say here because if I do, I'll spoil everything. Just know that when I'm done, it'll be kinda heavy. More like an out-there headcanon but I think it'll be a nice thing to think about.


Uh... I'll see you guys in another chapter, I guess? This is something I decided to write instead of studying for an exam so there really wasn't a structure. See ya.

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