Oka Elimination: Overdose/Poisoning Medication

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This is based on a personal headcanon that I have for Oka, not sure if anyone else has it.

The reason why Oka was gone from Akademi for three weeks due to being in a hospital. Oka had an addiction to numbing medications and overdosed over the summer. She has been there for a while and was finally allowed out under a new prescription. The doctors warn her if she OD's again, it might kill her.
Shin used to have the same problem, causing him and Oka to connect. So now with Oka's new medicine, Shin is going to keep watch over her. 

This is where the headcanon ends and the concept begins:

The doctors allowed her to go back to school as long as she stays on their medication. The medication they gave her cannot be misused and must be taken once a day.
Oka has an alarm on her to let her know when to take it due to being forgetful. She claims after she OD'd, her memory has gotten worse, and needs reminders now.
She'll run to the bathroom and take a pill in private.

Ayano can find this out through a conversation Oka will have with Shin Higaku (her substitute). Something along the lines of:

"I heard that the hospital allowed you to leave."
"As long as I stay on top of my medication."
"What did they give you?"
"I don't remember exactly what it is but I can't risk an overdose. So I put a reminder every morning for me to take them."
"Is this medication strong?"
"Well... Yes... They say that if I OD again, I'll die."
"What? Oka-"
"Don't worry, Senpai. It won't happen again. It's not addictive or numbing. It's just stronger than what I used to take." She points to her mouth. "When in doubt, I found out a way to vomit-"
Shin covers his ears. "I-I don't need to know that..."
"Right, I forgot... Don't worry about me, okay? I plan on staying this time."
"I can't help but worry about you! So, I'm watching after you."
"If that will make you feel better, I don't mind."

Overdose 1: Ayano forces Oka to swallow all her pills (The Hardest to Pull Off)

Simply put, when Oka is alone in the bathroom, Ayano sneaks up on her. She grabs the pill bottle and shoves it in Oka's mouth.
Oka has very poor strength and can't fight her way out but the wave of adrenaline going over her will cause her to flail her arms around. So imagine a QTE battle where a single mistake will allow Oka to escape and run away thus ruining Ayano's chance to fake an overdose suicide.
If Ayano succeeds, Oka will swallow all her pills.

"L-Let go of me!" 

Ayano holds Oka down while Oka tries to escape. (QTE: Mashing a single button for a period of time)
After a while, Oka stops struggling as she slowly begins to fade. Her knees buckle and she sinks to the floor. She struggles to stay awake a little longer, Ayano watching as Oka stops moving.

Added Difficulty:
No one should find Oka for 10 minutes. Oka is still alive, just passed out. She will eventually die if no one finds her within the time span. 

*It will be important to distract people from this bathroom or create a sound barrier so no one hears the scuffle. 
--This may include having someone from the Music Club move to in front of the girls' bathroom and play their instrument. The sound will deafen Oka's struggle and people will ignore it, including the musician herself.
People need to think that the bathroom is unavailable while Oka and Ayano are in there. No one will enter an unavailable bathroom. Like placing a sign in front of the bathroom so people won't go in.
--Depending on the time of day, this girl's bathroom will contain the bullies congregating here. They need to think that this bathroom is unavailable.
--Shin will follow Oka to the bathroom and wait for her outside. If she doesn't come back out in 3 minutes, he will walk in regardless of who is in there. And he won't budge from the door once he's there. He needs to be distracted away from Oka.
*It will be better if Shin is distracted before Oka runs off to the bathroom. Whatever Ayano sends him off to do will be immediately canceled out if he sees Oka run to take her medicine.
*Shin won't hear the scuffle if there's sound nearby. But he will still walk in if Oka doesn't come back out.
*If Oka's body is missing, he'll panic and search the stalls. If he can't find her, he'll report her as missing. The teacher will search all the places Oka can be found in. If still nothing, she'll report her missing to the police.

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