Ayano Applying Her Parents' Journals + Ayano Courting Taro

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I believe this one has already been planned to be put into the game at some point (if not already).
I'm talking about Ryoba documenting her murder/kidnapping/disposal methods in a journal with the intention of handing it off to Ayano when she finds someone that she loves and there are people getting in the way of that. But I also want to sprinkle in Jokichi (Ayano's father) into this, for the romancing of her targeted lover.

For Jokichi, he had no intention of giving this journal to Ayano because he now sees that his views are somewhat outdated and might give out bad advice. He did document his work with the intent to pass it down but changed his mind soon after because he even realized his mindset was completely wrong.
But he forgot to get rid of it and it accidentally got thrown into the mess of the basement.
Ryoba, on the other hand, kept the journal in a safe place in the basement with the intent to bring it out once she sees the signs of Ayano finding her one true love. But the Journalist took priority and she left before Ayano met Taro.

*This is also a concept that I thought would Jokichi/Taro more character!*

In Jokichi's journal, he has a list of girls that he hoped to romanticize. He's not going to sugarcoat it, but he was a bit of a stalker himself. He made notes of what each girl was interested in, from what they like to see in/on a man to their likes and dislikes. Once he has his eyes on a girl, he immediately changed his appearance, takes on the right persona, and only speaks about their interests. This made the girls fall for him so easily, he barely had to try. 
*In this concept, in 1980s mode, Jokichi's appearance constantly changes from week to week. Ryoba will wonder why he's changing himself so often when his default appearance is already so perfect. It won't be a dead giveaway to the player unless they plan to hook a rival up with their suitor, only to find that Jokichi looks exactly like their ideal man.
In conclusion, Jokichi already had his eyes on these 10 girls long before they met. Whether the girls die/disappear/find someone new, he already had another girl he was looking towards. He's aware that it's a bit scummy, but he's also aware that he won't meet his soulmate on the first try. So it's good to have a backup plan.*
He mainly focused on trying to appear perfect. Being a girl's dream guy! He's already aware that people, by default, are rather shallow. As long as you look and sound like their dream partner, it doesn't matter. And no matter what, you need to stay perfect. Never let the mask fall. EVER.
But then it stops there, and the last page is ripped. It appears that he planned on stopping this tactic for an unknown reason... Guess we'll never know!~

So the good advice Jokichi gave: You at to at least know the person before you pursue them romantically.
The bad advice he gave: Everything you just learned about that person? Get rid of your original personality and become that new person for your partner. 

If Ayano finds this journal, she'll start to realize she knows nothing about Taro or what his dream girl is! So now, it can be a personal side mission for her; Find out all his likes and dislikes, what his ideal woman is, and become that.
I did notice that Yan-Dev is implementing this item collection thing, where Ayano starts filling up her shrine of all of Taro's items. The more things she collects, the closer she can get to Taro before the aura appears. Not only that, if she gets too close, Senpai will notice her. And I noticed that there was an idea (may or may not be in the final game) where Ayano and Taro will go on dates once she gets close to him.

So I came up with this:
If Ayano finds all the information she needs (with or without the help of Info-chan), Ayano can become visually Taro's dream girl. She will have Senpai's attention from now on. If she walks by an area where he is, he'll immediately look at her and refuse to look away. He's enamored by her. Maybe even the cartoonish hearts will be above his head!
But he won't talk to her since he is canonically an introvert and doesn't go out of his way to socialize with anyone. Especially talking to someone who he believes is that beautiful! So Ayano will need to make the first move, but she can't if that aura gets in the way. Thus collecting the bare minimum items that will get them close enough (what's it going to take, two or three to be in talking range?).
Now she needs to court Taro. Very similar to how the matchmaking system is, Ayano needs to say the right things to win his heart. BUT! Instead of winning his heart in 5 days, back to back, she can only court him once a week.

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