Hypothetical Tasks 5: Kaga Kusha (1? Maybe)

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This is what I would call the coin-flip task. There's a 50/50 chance it can go one way or the other and it will permanently change Ayano for the remainder of the game.


"Yes, yes, there is something you can do for me! But be prepared, you may not like it. I want to find a cure for the gray-hair situation that is plaguing my test--*clears throat*--club members. They are a little furious towards me for doing that, you see. I am glad to say I think I figured out the cure but they won't get anywhere near it. I'd do it to myself but I've had this hair for so long, I'm attached to it. It's honestly surprising that I haven't been kicked out yet! Haha! Anyway, now that you're here, you try it!"
"But this is my hair color. Won't it be a waste on me?"
"Well, no. This should make your hair completely gray then slowly return to its natural color in a few days. If it doesn't... Hm, well, we'll figure it out when we get there. Still interested?"

--Kaga wants to test an experiment to cure the gray-hair problem with his club members.--

"Yes! Excellent! This formula is an improvement on what I gave the club members so I'm curious on what will happen. Here you go!"

Kaga uses a pipette and places a few drops of his "cure" on Ayano's head.

"Tomorrow morning, your hair will turn gray. Report to me every day so I can record the progress. It should take a few days, maybe 3 or 4. The final day, I should have a conclusion."

--Completing the task (50/50)--

"Oh, perfect! Just perfect! Your hair is nearly back to its original color! I can cure it! Thank you for being a test subject! Honestly, you're a brave person. Don't hesitate to ask me for anything, anything at all. Oh, you're not suffering from any side effects, are you?" He hand-waves it. "Eh, never mind I don't care, I'll figure that out later. I'm just glad President Saikou won't see this! How lucky we both are, huh?"


"Hm. It didn't come back. Well." He handwaves you. "Well, I suggest you buy some hair dye. If not, embrace the new look. It'll take some time to come back." He gets serious. "If it comes back, mind you..." He smiles. "Haha! I kid, it'll come back, give it time. Plus, pretty sure President Saikou is going to give me an earful when she returns... I expect a massive budget cut... *sighs...* Thank you for helping me anyway, Ayano. I am in your debt. Don't hesitate to ask me for anything. Back to the drawing board!"

If Ayano said no:

"Understandable. I'll just slight of hand it to my club members. They'll never know, just like last time!"

Daily Reports:

-"Day one, Ayano Aishi's hair is gray but is already appearing darker. Progress positive."
-"Day one, Ayano Aishi's hair is gray and appearing no signs of change. Progress neutral."

-"Day two, Ayano Aishi's hair is darker than the day previous with chunks of gray throughout. Progress positive."
-"Day two, Ayano Aishi's hair is still gray... Progress negative..."

-"Day three, Ayano Aishi's hair only has a couple of gray strands. Progress positive, continue research on this formula."
-"Day three... Ayano Aishi's hair is still gray... Progress negative, consider new formula..."


Author's Note:

Why did I use an illustration of him instead of his school photo?? Because I liked it more, that's why!

I'm not sure if I captured Kaga's personality well, I am admittedly a little rusty.
Also adding the fact that he got a warning from Megami about doing things like this yet is still doing it when she isn't around... Like this is a thing that constantly happens yet Megami hasn't demoted or outright banned him from the equipment. Who knows why she hasn't.
Also a sign that he respects her authority and knows she'll punish him if she catches him.

*Wouldn't it be cool if Ayano joined the Science Club and if she's there longer than a week, one day her hair became gray like the other members?? Meaning Kaga did a test on her and not even she can pinpoint when he did it. Just a thought.

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