Hypothetical Tasks 3: Horuda Puresu

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available after Ayano befriends the delinquents and Horuda's being bullied

*Rather than showing her a picture of a rival speaking to the bullies, Ayano approaches Horuda while she's alone and asks to do a favor for her.

"I'm so tired of being the punching bag for bullies... Why target me of all people? I haven't even done anything to warrant it. Is there something I'm doing wrong?... What should I do?..." *silence* "Hey, those guys by the incinerator look pretty tough. I don't see anyone messing with them. Personally, I'm too scared to ask them for help... I saw you talking to them so... What do they do to stop the bullies?"
"Those are the delinquents. They're dangerous people. I don't think those are the guys you want advice from."
"I already asked the strongest guys in school! Masuyama-Senpai only responded by giving me self-defense lessons, which failed miserably. And Zametora-Senpai didn't even respond and walked right past me. The guidance counselor is trying her best but nothing working. They're really my only hope before I reach my breaking point! I swear, once I get my hands on the person who started this..."
--Horuda wants you to ask the delinquents for advice to combat bullies. Will you accept the task?--
"You will? Oh, thank you. I'm feeling better already..."
--After completing the task--
"... Oh... That's a lot I need to do... Looks like I'm leaving school early to get all that done... Thank you for asking them, I'm sure they were pretty intimidating. Here's to hoping that it works."

The Delinquents Advice:

-- "So, she wants our help, huh? She's asking the wrong people but I can understand why. My advice to her is that she needs to stop looking so weak. That pussy-ass walk of hers makes her an easy target..." *silence* "Just slouch, not anything aggressive. The goal is to look tough, not terrifying." *silence* "And... Make sure she stretches from time to time..."

-- "Ah, the system failed her, huh? Understandable, been there. Since no one is protecting her she needs to protect herself. Since she can't fight, she's going to need something to do the job for her. She needs a weapon, something that will really cause some damage if those bullies decide to lay a hand on her again..." *silence* "... Or don't... I'm not even sure she can carry something like ours... She can get something like a pocket knife. It's easier to hide."

-- "That loner girl with the long black hair, right? Cut it. Shave it. Whatever does the job to make is short. Long hair makes it easy to grab." *silence* "Not that I'd know what that's like... Also, she needs to pick a style that makes her look tough."

--"Why does she want our help? We're not exactly role models... But I'd say get a couple of piercings. Specifically on the left." *silence* "But... Uh... If her pain tolerance is low, she can buy fake clip-on ones... They're cheaper anyway..." 

-- "Oh that weak girl? Hm... I'm not sure how she can but she should fuck with the school rules of the uniform. I know there are more rules for the female students so let's see what she can do." *silence* "Like wearing the male uniform or something. I'm sure wearing the skirt gets annoying..."

--Osoro *optional*: "Nope, not helping her. I ain't gonna give her advice if she's not brave enough come up to me and ask me herself. Now, scram."


Horuda shows up to school with a completely different look. She still has her solid black hair but her hair is cut into a boyish hairstyle with a shorter fringe covering her left eye. She walks onto the campus with the tough persona, slouching forward with her hands in her pockets.
She wears the male uniform, jacket open to reveal her female uniform top. Closer inspection shows that she did get piercings on her left helix but it's not known if she actually got some or just got clip-ons.
Horuda will also be seen spying on the delinquents, listening and watching how they act. When she's alone, she's attempting to copy them.
Such as copying the way that they speak (and failing), stretching because walking around with a slouch hurts her back, and pretending to be tough by leaning on walls.

*Bullies will no longer target Horuda since they're now under the impression that she's being protected by the Delinquents. If asked to talk or distract her, they'll say:
"Whoa, no way! What if they're around her?..."
"Uh-uh, no way. I'm not getting anywhere near her."
"Nope. Not going to. She's with them and I don't want to make them target me."

*Other students will still treat her as normal. They're aware that Horuda doesn't have the heart to go full-on delinquent.

*Also, also: One of the delinquents develops a crush on her due to her newfound confidence. If paired, no one will talk to Horuda which she won't mind. She'll be seen with the delinquents all the time.
Take your pick, they're all the same to me tbh. I don't really ship in this game, I don't care enough to do so. I think Umeji is foreshadowed to be Osoro's suitor so he's off-limits.

Author's Note: Just my thought process when making this. Feel free to skip.

Why does Horuda look so masculine?
I only made her like that because, well, she got advice from guys so she's going to follow that advice. Plus, if Osoro is there, she refused to help her. 
One suggested that she wears the male uniform? That's what she does.
Get a haircut? Well, female delinquent hairstyles don't look threatening enough so she gets a more masculine one. But it still stays true to her. 

*I was going to give her something similar to Osoro but when I looked up hairstyles, they were really similar to the Bullies. That's exactly what I wanted to avoid. So... Boyish haircut and fringe it was!*

Male Uniform
I actually had to look it up if it was possible for female students to wear the male uniform in Japan since in the United States (I live here), no one really cares (at least in my location in the states). It's still within the dress code. I did some research and they're not against it, I guess? 

Just like any other country, they'd prefer if students follow the gendered uniform system but if girls want to wear the male uniform and guys want to wear the female uniform, they can. Even some schools have a gender-neutral option. I'm not sure about prestigious schools, but since Akademi has very loose rules towards uniform (blatantly said in the game in the Headmaster's tapes) I'm sure the same thing applies. 

Unless Yandere Dev actually puts in gender-neutral options or customizable uniforms, Horuda wearing the male uniform is the best thing I could think of in this situation.

Can you see that I wanted to be as accurate as possible? >_<

Honestly makes me wonder why someone like Osoro wouldn't wear the male uniform... Am I wrong or does it look like she would? I even have a few headcanons on which guy(s) would wear the female uniform but that's not important, at least not in this concept.

Does Horuda's personality change?
Yes and No.
She's no longer Fragile, she transitions to Loner.
She doesn't take on the violent personality of the delinquents, she doesn't have the heart to go that far. But her self-defense goes from Incapable to Weak. She now has the strength and confidence to defend herself.

What's with the Delinquents?
Well, basically, they start one by giving advice then backtrack and dumb it down. Giving hints on what they did or even something personal to them.
One used to have long hair, he suggests for her to cut or shave it. One has clip-on piercings due to low pain tolerance so that's what he suggests she do if she has the same. One is admittedly weaker than others so he suggests a lighter weapon for her to carry.
(Btw, this is just what I headcanon for them, nothing official.)

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