Possibility of Budo Mastuda

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1. Romantic/Date Option

His wiki page says that he did romantically pursue someone in his previous year, but it didn't work out. This caused him to not pursue someone in his current year. That makes me a little sad, not going to lie. So I kinda want Budo to have a romantic interest just because. It can be directly with a rival or just a background mission that doesn't affect the game's main story at all.

I did see something somewhere (I don't know where) that people are believing that Budo is possibly going to be a future suitor for Hanako. It's a theory, not fact. And it's a theory I'm completely on board with. Do I think it's going to happen? No, but we can hope.
It makes sense game-wise:
 Hanako is completely defenseless, appears to be unaware of her surroundings, and no other friends. Taro possibly keeps her close so she doesn't get hurt or gets in danger.
Well, here's Budo, not only the strongest guy in school but extremely aware of the people around him. On top of that, he's extremely likable and popular. He likes how bubbly Hanako is and kinda likes the idea of someone who would completely depend on him for safety.
If Hanako and Budo were to get together, Taro can be comfortable that his sister will be in good care. Sure, he won't have all her attention anymore but he'll be okay. 

But! He can be set up to date Raibaru or he can ride solo for the rest of the game for all I care. I want him to be with someone but he doesn't need to be. Since as of September 2021, he's a background character assumely trying to get over a crush he had last year.

OR, for the fandom's sake...

1a. Since Budo x Ayano appears to be a popular ship, this can be in the game to some extent. 

Let me paint a picture:
Once Ayano becomes a popular student, positive reputation and all, Budo becomes interested in her. He's a little awkward but asks Ayano on a date. Ayano, clearly not interested, was about to reject him... But she thinks. If she had the strongest guy in school wrapped around her finger, she can use him for her benefit. Not only can she use him to do things for her, but that will also immediately get the strongest guy in school off her back.
He's seeing her in the rose-tinted vision that Ayano sees Senpai/Taro in. Meaning, a lot that Budo loves about her is rather superficial, and would rather not think about his girlfriend possibly being an awful person.
The only downside will be that Budo will stop her in the hallway to speak to her since, in his eyes, they're dating. And yes, he'll want to kiss her. Ayano will have to hold back her disgust and pretend to be happy with him.

--Ayano can stay with him as long as she wants.
--If Ayano rejects too many of Budo's romantic advances, he'll break up with her.
--Budo will let her get away with absolutely everything, except for murder. Remember, rose-tinted vision. He'll make an excuse in his head to excuse her weird behavior.

2. Raibaru 2.0
You know how Raibaru will instantly KO Ayano? I can see Budo doing this. I actually thought he could do this!
Let's think about this. This is the guy that beat Raibaru in a fight the year before and is currently the fucking leader of the Martial Arts Club, and you mean to tell me that he won't break someone's arm if his life or the lives of others are in danger?! Ayano can be holding a gun in his face and he'll still choose the peaceful option of subduing her until the police arrive.
Technically, this is logical. It should be immediate Game Over fighting this dude.
This is going against a student that has no fighting experience at the start of the game going against another student who's been doing fight training since he was possibly a child.

If he can't start off the bat being able to obliterate Ayano's arm like Raibaru can, it should be something he can do later on. Like once a student is reported dead, Budo will be on high alert and his defenses are on max. He'll keep his schedule since he's a club leader, but he'll be more likely to react to sounds and will investigate more often. He won't go out of his way to hunt down the murderer, he's smart enough to not willingly put his life in danger. But once he catches the murderer, Game Over.
The longer it takes to catch the murderer, the more he's going to react about smaller things. Like if Ayano giggles, he'll get suspicious. He sees her with a knife, he tells her to put it back regardless of her situation. Blood on clothing, low sanity, and even standing next to a corpse, he'll immediately apprehend her.

If he's her friend in this state, he'll let a lot of things slide. Think of it as the "three strikes, you're out" system. He'll be more likely to give Ayano multiple chances but not even he can ignore that his friend may be the suspect he's been looking out for.

3. JUSTICE! or y'know... The Delinquents
I noticed that Budo doesn't like the delinquents. Okay, technically he's "wary" of them, but come on... He hates them.
If the delinquents are going to be a future problem, I think Budo might help. I think it would be an interesting idea to be able to actually have Budo join Ayano to dismantle what can be seen as bad or evil in school.
I think this is an interesting thought since ever since they've been implemented, the delinquents can be expelled. Almost as if there is no redemption for them. Even if there was, possibly in Budo's eyes, they're irredeemable and would be better if they were just gone.

Example: Budo is tired of the delinquents and he wants them gone by any means necessary. He is willing to get his hands dirty for this. Osoro has been a pain for Ayano to eliminate. She comes up with an idea... With the help of Budo, they can frame the delinquents into getting expelled or arrested. Or... Get them in deep shit with the yakuza, maybe?...

Of course, after messing with their lives, he won't feel too good about it but it's a little too late for that. So he'll walk around, dejected, for the rest of the game.

--In a "Frame a Rival for Murder" kind of way, Ayano can gain his trust and say "let me help you with that". She can either help him, thus taking out all six delinquents, or frame him, getting him in trouble and gaining the trust of the delinquents.
--Or in a different way, Budo can take out Osoro only with a little persuasion from Ayano. I'm under the impression that Budo and Osoro are enemies, both being representations of what the other hates. So with a little instigation from Ayano, she can get rid of them both. Like getting them in a fight that calls for Osoro's expulsion and whatever punishment is suitable for Budo... Or! Pushing Budo to the limit and causing him to seriously harm Osoro.
--Or even some combination of the two. Budo harmed the male delinquents in a way that causes Osoro to challenge him. Budo, never one to turn down a challenge, takes it. Then Ayano can pull the strings behind the scenes and change the outcome of their challenge.

Also I'm pretty sure if the delinquents' lives are being threatened and there's no way out, they'd drop the act and beg for mercy. Thus making Budo back out and letting them off with a warning. Basically scaring them straight. They guys would have learned their lesson but Osoro would be out for revenge.

And of course...

4. The Cheater's Ending!
Could be a rumor, could not be, but I heard that YandereDev wants to give the players who use cheats an ending that they'll never forget. As recited by Jay from Kubz Scouts:

Video by Hatsune Elissu, they're a fucking beast when it comes to Yandere Simulator and make great content besides the game. I highly suggest you check them out.

This would be the biggest "fuck you" to the cheaters and I am here for it. Again, it doesn't have to be Budo, it can literally be any other male character. But the fact that it is Budo, the fan-favorite, it would just be the best.

Author's Notes

This was something I wanted to make ages ago. If I have thoughts on a character, I'll make a list of how they can play a bigger role in the game. This isn't as good as other things I put out, this is because it's a series of thoughts instead of fully formed ideas.
If I can't make a full chapter on one thing, make separate points and explain my thought process on how it can effect gameplay. Maybe in the future, once I can completely articulate my thoughts, these can be full chapters someday. Escpecially with Budo, due to his popularity in the fandom and even in-universe of the game itself. 

My favorite of all of these is having him play a part in having him take out Osoro for Ayano. The idea of someone with the status of Budo sink down to the level of harming someone just because he hates them would add some depth to him. This is something he would never do, he acted on emotion rather than reason. Using his strength for violence rather than self-defense. Yes, Osoro gets on his nerves but she never directly did anything to him (as far as we know). This may be something I want to expand on in a future chapter, but since Osoro is a lv 8 Rival, it may take longer since I want to match the potential difficultly she may be.

Keeping this short. See ya later.

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