Dating Characters (2)

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I briefly brought this up in the previous chapter. You know how the rivals are extremely superficial when talking about their dream guy. They'll all be when that big update comes, we all know it. So... When dating these characters, they'll be superficial as well. Except, with Ayano, popularity and certain stats will come into play.
Remember, Ayano is possibly seen as the weird kid at Akademi. So to completely overwrite that status, she needs to change herself.
As so:
Athletic students will value strength.
Popular students value someone with a high reputation.
Smart students will value a student who's always in class.
The Delinquents will value someone who's an outcast like them.
The Student Council would value someone with a clean record.

As for appearance, that will vary from person to person. Everyone's standards of beauty and what's attractive are very different.
For example, Budo can either be attracted to a strong student who can handle themself or a rather defenseless one so they'd look at him for protection. We don't fucking know what that guy wants. (Actually, you'll see my headcanon in a few minutes)

I'm too lazy to look at what I previously wrote so I should say this now: This isn't limited to a single gender in the game. Everyone can be fair game but that doesn't mean they'd provide benefits to Ayano. This is what this concept is about. Which characters/personas would provide benefits for Ayano if she were to date them.
Hazu Kashibuchi, as the sweet cinnamon roll he is, can not provide any benefits for Ayano. So no, he won't be a dateable option. Horuda Perusu can't provide benefits for her either. Toga Tabara, nope. 

So I made a short list of characters that can possibly have benefits for Ayano. Just a few just so you can get an idea of how I'm seeing this concept. As much as I want to make a list of ten people, I only did three. Someone popular, someone normal, and someone infamous. All with various criteria for what it takes to win their heart.
This is excluding rivals, their possible suitors, and people with established crushes. 

1. Let's get him out of the way, Budo Masuyama. Not only is he a popular person, he's also the strongest.
Budo recovers from his last potential romantic partner not working out and seeks out a new love. He notices Ayano's popularity as a good person and strong individual, not to mention helping him receive some closure. As far as he knows, she's a person who could do no wrong. He develops a crush on her. So when she approaches him, asking to be her boyfriend, of course, he says yes.
Being with Budo will boost Ayano's reputation and somewhat* permanently be put in the positive range. Students will immediately associate her with Budo, since he chose to date her, she must be a good and strong person. People are more likely to do favors for her, even without befriending her.
(*I say somewhat because as long as she's with Budo, it won't fall below 33+)
Time Skip Mechanic: Ayano can walk with Budo's club the entire morning until class starts. The same applies to after-school club activities. "Oh, hi! Would you like to watch us spar?"
Yes--> "Great! Come stand here with me."
No--> "Ah, you're probably busy. Not a problem. I'll see you later."
-He doesn't date his students. It's extremely unprofessional and can be distracting. (Can't be a member of the Martial Arts Club)
-Needs to have a positive reputation of +33 or higher.
-Needs to have a strength level 1 or higher.
-Budo needs closure with his previous teacher. Help him out.
-Needs to be beaten during Weapon combat training.
Physical Appearance:
Updos, a bandana, and ear piercings. Ayano needs to walk around with confidence.
--She'll be more noticed when she walks by. She's popular now, that's what popularity does.
--The perfect image she built needs to be kept, just like Budo has. If she slips up just a little, it'll be a good hit to her reputation. He'll defend her at first, but with too many hits, he'll side with the public.

2. Miyuji Shibakoya (Miyuji Shan) was another one. She's highly respected and gets along well with others. She'd love to help whenever she can.
She finally found an identity that works for her and is happy. Now feeling comfortable in her own skin for the first time in a while, she feels like she can get into the dating scene. She notices Ayano, being a good friend and a well-rounded student. Ayano is physically attractive and a good person so... Target acquired.
Miyuji is on good terms with other leaders, so Ayano can depend on her to clear her reputation with them. Not to mention, spending so much time alone, Miyuji is more than willing to do some things for Ayano to get out of the club room every now and then.
Time Skip Mechanic: Miyuji is more than welcome to play songs for Ayano during the day and then have her band play for her during club activities. Not only is it romantic, but it's also good practice.
"Wanna hear a few songs I'm working on?" or "Wanna be our audience for a performance we're working on?"
Yes--> "Sweet! Take a seat."
No--> "No worries! Go do what you gotta do."
--Decent reputation. Ayano needs to be at least recognizable with a few friends. She doesn't mind if Ayano has done a bad thing or two.
--Miyuji doesn't date people within the band. If they break up it'll cause drama.
--Befriend her.
Physical Appearance:
Dyed hair, piercings/jewelry, and tanned skin. A laid-back persona will seal the deal.
--She's available all day until club activities. If Ayano doesn't stop by at least once before 5pm, she'll look for her. *This could be bad* She needs to be visited since she spends a lot of her time alone.

3. Hayanari Tsumeato is another one. Extremely unpopular and a threat to others' safety.
Out of everyone in the group, he did take a liking to Ayano once they all met her. After proving to the rest of the delinquents that she's serious, he's interested 100%.
Everyone will be scared of Ayano once people find out that she's dating a delinquent and actively avoid her, especially if he's with her. Even if she does manage to get someone to speak to her, their patience will be low. If Ayano targets someone, Hayanari will gladly threaten a student for his girl.
*If Ayano tells him to carry a different weapon to look more threatening, he'll change it the following day*
Time Skip Mechanic: Ayano can hang with the delinquents during the day. "Hey. Wanna hang out with us?"
Yes--> "Cool."
No--> "Got shit to do? Eh, I'll still be here."

-He only likes other outcasts with low reputations. (Needs to be a delinquent)
-Ayano needs to be on good terms with the other delinquents.
-Show a kind hand to him, showing that Ayano does still have a soft spot.
Physical Appearance:
Look at the physical requirements of being a delinquent. He does like girls with glasses though.
Being a delinquent, dating a delinquent... No one wants to talk to you, so whatever you got to say, make it quick.

Many others I was too lazy to create scenarios for but can also provide benefits were:
-Mutsumi Roduka (Musume Ronshaku) or any of the other bullies. They know a lot of the students in the school, can provide gossip for free that Info-chan may charge for.
-Tokuko Kitagawa. Drama Club member and implied enemy to Kizana Sunobu. Can sneak materials that Ayano needs to be a member to get.
*I'll throw Shozo Kurosawa in there too. No implied enemies but can give Ayano similar benefits.
-Kuroko Kagmenaga. Vice President and implied rival to Megami Saikou. Ayano can get information from her that she'd probably never have.
-Geiju Tsuburaya (Geiju Tsuka). Leader of the Art Club, rather emotionless like Ayano. More likely to give Ayano things she may need. *May paint/draw pictures of Ayano in his spare time*
-An Occult Club member. Rather easy to manipulate and cowardly. Possibly the first person they've ever dated so they don't want to disappoint.
-Someone who lacks an appearance at school but is very observant of their surroundings and things going on in school.

Note, I tend to think about the girls in this game because 1) girls tend to do more in school and 2) the guys are pretty fucking boring.

This little list I have isn't 100% "yes this is what I was thinking", like I said before: Anyone who can provide a benefit to Ayano is fair game.

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