Hypothetical Tasks: Umeji Kizuguchi, Adding More Delinquents

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*Delinquency is optional but will work easier if so.
*Horuda, Otohiko, and Hazu are victims of bullying and need to occur at the same time.

Goal to gain higher trust with the delinquents and maybe cause more chaos at the school.

This is how I want them to react to the bullying and how the Bullies' schedule changes:

Otohiko will be bullied by Hoshiko. Without the other bullies around, Hoshiko is free to torment him how she pleases, and needless to say, she's brutal. She's actually responsible for Otohiko running directly to the nurse's office. He's avoiding her specifically but he can't hide there forever. He'll constantly be on guard, looking out for her, but she always manages to burn him, "prank" him, or leave cuts on him.
Hoshiko will set up a water trap on paths that Otohiko follows, causing him to get changed. And sometimes it's not just water. He's always late, so she'll go out of her way to close the school gate on him. If they just so happen to be in the same hallway and cross paths, he'll let out a yelp and hold his arm. "Ah! I-I'm bleeding!" or "Ah! I-It burns!" Then run to the nurse's office.
If Otohiko is seen in his gym uniform, he's covered in cuts and burns with the occasional band aide on him.

Horuda will be bullied by Kashiko and Hana, but they're indirect about it. They spread rumors about her and enjoy making her feel like she's going insane. While Kashiko spreads rumors, Hana vandalizes her things and follows her around to find more ammo to give to Kashiko. But Horuda is so normal, Hana has to instigate so Horuda will act poorly. Hana creates sounds to lure Horuda away so she can run away, making Horuda believe she's crazy. Both girls will tamper with her food so Horuda gets sick, leading to more rumors about her "dieting choices". So on and so forth.

Hazu will be bullied by Musume and Kokoro. Kokoro doesn't do much other than follow Musume around. Musume has an obsession with stealing or damaging his things. If Hazu is not in the sewing room, she'll damage his main sewing machine and ruin all his sewing projects. She'll dump out all the things in his school bag to ruin all school work and take anything valuable. Usually, stealing any money he has. 
Hazu appears to be unfazed despite being well aware that he's being bullied.  

All of their desks will be vandalized at different points during the day. As soon as the school day is over, they will all ditch cleaning time in favor of going home early, leaving at the same time.



Delinquent: "Hey, newbie. Yeah, you can help me with something. Not sure if you know this, but you're the only person who was brave enough to talk to us. Hell, you even joined us. But I think we got a potential new member on our hands. I noticed some first-year getting her shit rocked by those blonde bimbos. Looks like she needs some help. Get her to come talk to me, I have an offer for her."

Not a Delinquent: "Oh, hey, Yan-chan. I guess you can help me with something if you're up to it. Not sure if you know this, but you're the only person brave enough to talk to us. You might not be a member but you have our trust. And I think we have a new member on our hands. I noticed some first-year getting her shit rocked by those blonde bimbos. She seems like she needs some help. Get her to come talk to me, I have an offer for her."

--Umeji Kizuguchi wants to help Horuda Umestu gain some confidence to fight back against her tormentors. Get Horuda to talk to Umeji. Will you accept the task?-- 

Yes: "Sweet. I'll be waiting."
No: "Yeah, I might've got my hopes up. Never mind."  The task will no longer be available. 

"H-Huh?... He wants to talk to me?... M-Maybe I can ask him to help... Y-Yeah! T-Those girls leave me alone for sure just by seeing me talk to them! I-I'll head over right now!"

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