Author's Notes on Oka's Overdose Elimination

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Just post-reflection of the concept and how I feel about Oka as a rival. Feel free to skip.

Jeez, this took way too long to make... I didn't know actually making an elimination would be hard.

One of my current WIPs are rewrites of eliminations that I made for Amai and Kizana so I was thinking "How can I make Oka harder than Amai and Kizana?" Well, instead of making an elimination linear, there can be multiple ways under the same premise. Thus this.
To be honest, there were a few more ways but they were a little too convoluted, or that included Oka and Shin basically going "Ooo, look at the pretty and dumb thing! Let me just leave the very important medicine behind while I go look at it!" The goal was to make it hard. Not have so many steps that it's annoying OR too easy that there was no weight to the action.
Yes, this would have been even longer.

I also include Shin Higaku as a roadblock by him being by her side and following her. I'm sure Oka will already be hard enough but now you have someone who cares about her health following her to make sure she doesn't take more than she needs to. I did check the Yan-Sim wiki, and it did say that he is her potential suitor. So it can also double as his excuse to be around her and talk to her outside of the club. Not only that, her death has double the impact on him: he loved her AND he watched her die due to her medication. Ouch.

What kind of medication can kill someone in a week?!
Don't think about it too much. Trust me, I did and now I think I'm on a watchlist somewhere. I can't even tell you what the medication is. So let's make up a name for it... Uh....... Cabocadren. There.

Shin Higaku
Though not a threat, he will protect Oka if anything happens to her. If she faints, he protects her body until the paramedics arrive. If she dies, he will refuse to leave her corpse until the police arrive. If he saw something, he's willing to help the police. If he suspects foul play, he'll hunt for the killer.
That's why I made him a roadblock. I think the main theory that people go on is someone like Shin will just shut down if someone he's close to is gone. Like one of the Basu sisters loses their other half. I didn't want that. I wanted him to kinda break out of his shyness and cowardly shell, regardless of what happens.
Think of it as some sort of wake-up call. When he had his issues, his antisocial behavior caused him to have little to no support so he had to recover on his own. Which was extremely hard for him. Oka had the same issue, he's trying to be a constant support to her since that's something he never had. Then regardless of the outcome, after Oka's week is over, he becomes a more social individual with people who'd rather keep to themselves, people just like him.

Shin mourns Oka's death but will Oka mourn his?
I think so. If Shin goes missing, Oka will look for him just like he does when he can't find her. She doesn't feel safe without him with her. And if Shin's corpse is discovered by her, she will mourn. It won't be enough to take her off the trail of Senpai, if anything it will make her depend on Senpai for comfort.
Once Oka's week has passed and Shin is gone, Oka will specifically stay in and around the club room. 
If Oka is gone and Shin is still there, he will walk around and speak to students who are alone. There won't be any dialogue but it will be like "If there's anything you want to talk about, I'll be here."
If they're both still here, they'll walk around the school together.

I like to think about it as a pair of friends where their mental health improves just with their presence in the area. Since they believe in the supernatural, they do think that there is something different about their bond compared to others. This is why they enjoy each other's presence.

My opinion on Oka:
Oka is a yikes for me dawg. I never liked the "goth/emo GF" thing only because of the baggage that comes with one. Just look at her, she's baggage and then some. It's not cute, endearing, or attractive. It's weird. It's fucking weird and it doesn't feel right to me. Are all emo GFs like that? No, I highly doubt it but damn, I can't get that stereotype out of my head. Especially when I look at Oka. For the people who like her, I'm glad you saw something in her that I didn't. She's just not my taste.
I'm like that with the whole Occult Club, not just Oka. I think it wouldn't bother me all that much if they were a group of people who believe in ghosts than a club who believes everything supernatural is real. Can't they a group of paranormal investigators instead? Ghosthunters instead even! That's more believable for the school than whatever the fuck they're doing as a club activity. They already look at the "most haunted areas" of the school, is it that hard to believe?

Do I hate Oka?
No, not at all. It's more indifference leaning more toward dislike. If I had to rank the rivals from like to dislike, Oka would be like #6 on that list only because after 6 is just pure malice. I just don't think she'd fit as a romantic rival.

How I would have written her:
I think it would actually be better if she was delusional like Ayano is. In Oka's head, she and Senpai are already dating and all she needs is his verbal confirmation. Almost as if Oka was hospitalized for having a delusional disorder and pretended to get better so she can return to school. Senpai showed her kindness, not pity, the first person to do that for her. She immediately fell for him and is under the impression that they're dating. Doubling as a stalker, she goes out of her way to do nice (yet creepy) things for him. And her confession will subtly dangle the threat of suicide if he doesn't say yes.
Y'know just a thing I thought about.
*Note, delusional disorder doesn't equal schizophrenia. Very similar yet also very different.*


Thank you for taking the time to read out my thought process, opinions, and personal headcanons!

This is my first rewrite of something I published previously, finished my college semester, reread, cringed, deleted, then completely rewrote. Now being more thorough and including more detail. And there is plenty more to come, trust me.

And yes, I repeat, I am attempting to get my bachelor's in a medical science so future chapters may or may not be science-influenced. May or may not include more hospitalizations than kills. May or may not have bloodless yet equally terrifying kills. Who knows what goes through my head.
And yes, the Science Club is my favorite club and characters in the game. No one will change my mind on that.

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