Hypothetical Tasks 2: Toga Tabara

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Toga: "My entire life, people have told me that I need to pick a hobby or a career path and stick with it. But it's kinda hard to pick something when you don't know what you want to do in life! Do I want to be a scientist? Or an artist? An actor? An athlete? I don't know! You get it, right?!"
Ayano: "I understand but you shouldn't be so worried about this. You have time-"
Toga: "You're probably not a third-year if you think I still have time. This is my final year and I still don't know what I want to be! The guidance counselor isn't helping and I already quit every club in this school. I didn't care for any of them! *sigh...* Can you just... Tell me which path I should go down? Or should I just be like every other indecisive student and be a businessman instead?"

--Toga is struggling to find what he wants to do with this life that he's asking you to pick a career for him.--

"Really? Well, which one should I do?"

--Making a choice--
"Hm... Can't say I hated it but it's better than nothing! Sure, I'll do that! Thanks! I'm always walking around so come find me if you need anything."

Depending on the choice given, he'll then work on that skill.

Career Choices:
Businessman--> alternate dialogue. "Huh. I guess it's better than doing nothing. It won't be so bad, I hope..." Rather than walking around the school, he'll sit by himself and read a book.
Scientist--> Lingers around the Science Club and studies what they do. Will read science books in his spare time.
Chef/Baker--> Lingers around the Cooking Club. Reads cooking books. His lunch will look different every day since he's trying out different recipes.
Professional Musician--> Will bring an instrument to school and practice outside on a bench. He will improve on his skills over the course of the game.
Thespian--> Lingers around Drama Club. Reads old literature on plays.
Artist-->  He'll bring a sketchbook. He'll sit in the bench in the middle of the school, the location of the fountain. Every day, he'll try out a new art style until he finds the one that fits him. 
Professional Athlete--> Can be seen doing stretches and exercises every few minutes as he walks around the school. Will run around the track after school after cleaning time.
Gardener--> Will study the flowers all over the campus and can be seen reading gardening books.
Photographer--> Will now take pictures of anything he thinks is interesting.
Paranormal Investigator--> Follows close behind the Occult Club and goes to places they're too scared to go on their own. Will read books about the paranormal and occult.

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