Chapter Two.

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Here I am, back in my small apartment. Jobless.

I let out a sigh.

I stare at the reality show on my television screen deciding to make lunch.

I fix myself a burger and take a seat on my kitchen island. A knock startles me and I walk to the door to check who it is. I look through a peephole and see a familiar face. I eye my outfit disapprovingly before opening the door.

"Kaylee" he breathes.

"Theo" I reply, our eyes gazing deeply into each other.

"Care to let me in?" He teases and I open the door wider. He gets in and I close the door behind him.

"I know you are wondering why am here." He voices and I nod.

"I want to apologize." He expresses and I wave him off walking to my kitchen and continuing to devour my burger.

He chuckles.

"Where did you get these pieces." He asks pointing to the new piece I have been working on since I was free and I just needed something to relieve my stress.

You see art, is like my happy place. I let out my emotions through painting to be exact.

"It's mine. Finished it last night." I say taking a huge bite of my burger. I look up to find Theo staring at me.

"Amazing. I love it. How much for the piece?" Theo inquires making me look at him.

"It's not for sale. Take it if you want." I wave him off walking to the refrigerator and taking a bottle of water.

"You are giving me this?" He asks unsure. I nod.

"Take anything that you see fit," I say finding Theo staring at the portrait I made of myself.
He ends up picking almost everything making me laugh.

I don't know if he likes the pictures or he is just being nice and taking everything.

"I love this." He says pointing at my portrait.
I blush.

"Well, you know you could make money out of these..." He trails off.

"I have tried. Every art gallery says my work is not good enough. I gave up long ago." I sigh.

He shakes his head and smiles.

"What if I tell you that I can make things work?" He asks making me frown.

"How?" I ask.

"By submitting these pieces or any piece that you want, to my art gallery ?" He asks.

"I didn't know you had an art gallery." I stare at him.

"Now you know, what do you think?" He asks hopefully.

It doesn't hurt to try. I nod and he suddenly pulls me into a hug. He stills before pulling away. He stares behind me making me curious and turns to see he is staring at my dancing pole.

Well, months ago I when I wanted to get my mind off things, I used to dance on the pole. Plus it was my way of working out.

"What is that?" He asks.

"What do you think it is?" I smirk making him chuckle.

"A lady with many talents. Give me a show." He teases making himself comfortable on my sofa.

"No... I don't do it for an audience." I tell him earning a frown.

"One day you will. I alone will be the audience." He grins making me blush.

He continues to look at the pieces I made, his eyes lighting up. I study his features and I hold my breath. And that suit. Oh, God!

"If you keep looking at me like that I might end up running away." He grins making me look away. He gathers the pieces and sets them on the door.

He's leaving already. I frown.

"I'll take these pieces to my gallery and tomorrow, we will have lunch with Natasha and Natalie, they are in charge of my gallery in the city. I will text you the time and date." He affirms making me smile.

"I better get going, I have a board meeting. My dad requires me there since Colin is busy partying his head off." He chuckles.

"Okay. See you tomorrow then." I say flatly. He stares down at me for minutes before leaving.

"Tomorrow." He mumbles.

I sigh when he leaves and locks the door behind him. I stare back at my small apartment and groan. When will I ever get out of here?

There is a knock at the door startling me, checking through the peephole I see Hazel and Kim on the other side.

I smile and open my door ushering them in. I met Hazel and Kim in Kindergarten. Nobody wanted to talk to all of us so we decided to be friends. From then on, we were inseparable.

They both left to go to college leaving me in our small town. I did go to a local college to pursue secretarial studies. After graduating I moved here, I stayed with Hazel for a few months working at a diner. I got the small apartment that I'm proud of, but still want to upgrade.

"You are glowing today" Hazel teases making me blush. If I did tell them that Theodore Crawford was here, they would not believe it.

"So..." Kim trails off making me frown.

"Can we go out today?" Hazel chirps in making me frown deeper.

"No... We've been through this." I say standing up and rubbing my temples.

"It's time to change. Let's go out, have some fun. Okay?" Kim suggests.

After the events of the few days, I need some distraction.

"Okay. Where are we going?" I ask shrugging.

"There is a new club that has opened, Filthy. We partying tonight!" Kim screams making us cover our ears.

"Be ready by Eight. We'll pick you up." Hazel winks at me.

" Okay. " I mumble.

We continue talking and laughing at stupid things. At six they both leave and I decide to make myself dinner. After eating and cleaning up, I take a shower.

I dry my body and remove the shower cap covering my dreadlocks.

I opt to go with a jungle green tight dress with black stilettos. I put on the slightest make-up. I style my dreadlocks in a tight high bun on top of my head. I slide in my silver hoop earrings. I complete my look with my jungle green clutch.

I look at myself in the mirror and see that I need to start working out cut off eating chunk foods. I am usually curvy with a nice pack of titties and a big round ass with a small waist. But lately, with stress and junk food, my stomach isn't flat. I make a mental note to start working out.

My phone chimes with a notification from Kim saying they are already here.

I rush and lock the door. I run down the doors and out of the apartment front door. I spot a taxi and smile.
At least Kim ain't driving today.

I smile.

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Stay safe😊

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