Chapter Fifty-Five.

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"When I was twenty I came to spend time with Grandpa as I usually do. There was this girl I had been seeing when I came here she was more like a friend with benefits. That time when I came I had decided to stop that from continuing since I had started seeing Isabella and I wasn't into her anymore. Her name was Magdalena, Quin's sister. When I came I found out she was involved with a married man and on top of that, she was using crack and some other serious drugs. I tried taking her to the town's rehab center but she refused to stay there saying that she didn't want her brother to know she's doing drugs. A friend of mine who worked at the rehab suggested that she could be coming to the institution every day. She agreed until her boyfriend, the married man, got her a place. She begged me to tell Quin that I was the one who got her the place and I did since I didn't see the harm in that. At the end of summer I went back to New York that's when Magdalena called me telling me that she found out she's pregnant and the married guy told her that she should get rid of it. I had begged her not to but she hanged up the phone and didn't pick up every time I called. I had called Quin only to find he's not available so I called my friend from the rehab to go check up on her only to find that she had overdosed. When Quin heard about it he came to New York, beat the shit out of me for 'killing his sister'. I didn't want to tell him the truth up to now, if beating me and hating me would make him feel better about Magdalena, then I would gladly take the hits, the insults, and even the bad-mouthing.  But one thing I would never let him get is you."

My head was hurting from listening to that. I felt sorry for Magdalena for what she went through. For Quin who is hurting over his sister who died years ago but the wounds are still fresh. For Theo who kept the biggest secret from Quin in hopes that he's helping him. 

"Say something, Kaylee." Theo rubs my back and I look at him. He looks tense and nervous.

"I don't know what to say," I say honestly.

"Are you going to leave me?" He asks his voice barely above a whisper.

" I don't know if I can answer that after what you pulled last night. "

" I'm sorry for scaring you but you should know I would never hit you, ever. Unless it's your ass that is. " He says and I blush.

" Still doesn't explain why you had sex with Emma."

"What?" He looks at me bewildered.

" You two came to have breakfast together and you didn't sleep in our bed. "

" You are so clueless sometimes, I spent the whole night fixing grandpa's car that we never got to finish together years ago. "

" And why were you shirtless? " I press making him grin.

" I was fixing a car, my shirt was bound to get dirty so I took it off. " He says standing up and extending his hands for me to take.

"I want to show you the car and maybe take your stinking ass on a ride. " He teases and I playfully hit him.

" I don't stink! "

" Yes, you do! "

" I don't! "

" You don't. "

" I do... Wait I meant I don't. "

" You said I do, not me. " He walks away and I glare at his back with a smile on my face.

Now that's the Theo I miss.

"I hope you like it," Theo says taking my hand into his and leading to the garage. He stands in front of a brown cover-up, when he pulls it away I gasp.

"Really? You fixed this!"

"Yes, I did."

"Let's take it in a test drive then. "

" Alright, milady. " He says and I laugh out loud getting into the car. He slams the door shut walking over to his side.

"Here goes nothing." He says igniting the engine and it roars to life. He pulls away from the ranch and into a dirt road.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see." Is all he says. Not bothering to ask anything else I enjoy the cold breeze against my hand that is stretched out of the window.

His phone rings and he picks it up driving using his left hand only, his eyes still on the road.

"... I'm never bringing him to you. Rot in hell," Theo says into the phone and I turn to look at him.

"... You threatened to have him taken from me and you think I would bring him in jail to see you? "

"... You are delusional Isabella. Goodbye and never call my number again. " He says before hanging up. He hits the steering wheel still looking ahead. He pulls up and gestures for me to wait in the car.  He walks to my side, helping me out, and leads me through the trees. I was about to ask where we were going when he stops in front of a disclosed lake. He begins to take his clothes off and I look at him quizzically. He stands in front of me butt naked and I couldn't help but look down on his already hard member making me squeeze my legs together.

"You coming or do I have to pull you into the water?" He asks and I hesitate to answer since my mind is busy with his hard cock. I take off the shirt I had on, I do away with the jeans and boots. Standing only in my panties and bra Theo waits for me to take them off and I shake my head no. He tilts his head to the side and I sigh, taking all of them off. Standing in front of him naked for the first time since we got back together.

My breasts are now bigger than they used to, my stomach isn't as flat as it used to be despite the workout sessions with Lance. My hips have also multiplied in size and I was starting to feel self-conscious.  Theo walks over to me and removes my hands that I used to cover my breasts with.

"Don't ever hide this gorgeous body from me ever again unless you want more spankings. " He says grabbing my ass so our bodies are against each other. His hard cock poking my stomach, I could feel it twitching.

"Let's get into the water before I start doing some sinful things to you. " He winks at me and I blush.

" You go first then you tell me if the water is okay or not. " I say and he shakes his head.

" Why not you go first? After all, I'm a gentleman and I say ladies first.

" Just go already!" I let out a groan. I swear he drives me crazy!


I gasp when I see him jumping into the water. I wait for him to resurface but he didn't and I started to panic jumping into the water too.

I sure do hope Theo is fine.

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