Chapter Forty-Nine.

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" I'm not jealous Theo, can you turn around so I can get dressed?" I say. He gives me a devilish grin.

" Why? Is Kaylee shy all of a sudden?" He teases and I shoot him a glare. Dropping the towel his grin disappears, now replaced by a look of lust.

I quickly change into my sweats and tank top and I hear him groan behind me.

"What? " I ask walking past him.

"You are not wearing any panties." He slaps my ass making me yelp.

" Because I'm not going anywhere," I say attempting to walk out of my room, only to be pulled back by Theo.

"What now?" I ask as he snuggles his head into my neck.

"Go out with me." He says and I pull away from him.

" Why would I do that?" I implore.

"Cause I need to show you how much I missed you." He says and I nod smiling.

" What if I say no? " I ask running my hands on his chest. His breath hitches.

" I won't let you say no. I will take you over my shoulder if I have to. Cause I don't want to lose you again, if I wasn't sure you were my soulmate then I'm sure now. " He says, before I can say anything else he pulls me into him, connecting my lips with his. I kiss him back with twice the passion. I didn't need to say anything, he knew what I was feeling and thinking. He knew I always belonged to him. The moment our eyes connected in his parents' mansion, I was his.

We pull away, both of us panting.

"I missed your lips." He says and I laugh.

"I know I have a long way to go for you to be able to trust me again but I want to ask you something." He says looking serious and nervous all of a sudden.

"Yes, Theo.. stop scaring me. What do you want to ask?" He searches through his pockets, he pulls out the engagement ring I had given back. He goes down on his knees, looking up at me with eyes filled with hope.

" Kaylee Rose Jackson from the first time I set my eyes on you, I fell in love. I knew you were the only one for me, the only person I would want to spend the rest of my life with, bear my children with. I know I have messed up a lot of times, but would you be willing to stay with me till we grow old together? " He proposes, word by word like the first time he proposed. He remembered every word and that brought happy tears to my eyes. Well minus the part he had started rambling about if I don't say yes.

"Yes, Theo. I will marry you." I say as he puts the ring into my finger, I look at it and smile. He stands up, pulling me into him, we connect our lips in a sweet slow kiss. A knock startles us making me up away from Theo. Connor stands in the doorway, staring between the two of us.

" You do know everyone heard everything right?" Connor asks and I look at him confused.

"You two were pretty loud." He shrugs.

" Congratulations," Connor says pulling me into a hug which I gladly return, hearing Theo mutter something about people always taking me away from him.

"She's kinda like my niece. Cool down, man." Connor says making Theo shoot daggers at the back of his head. Pulling away, Theo pulls me into him.

"Everyone is downstairs. They wanna see you, if you don't want to, I'm sure they can understand." Connor explains and I shake my head no.

"I'm sure everyone is wondering what happened, and I think it's better if I'm the one to tell them. " I say. Heading downstairs I'm engulfed in a group hug making me squeal.

" We are glad you are okay, what happened ?" Hazel asks when I'm done hugging everyone. Theo pulls me into his lap earning a pat on the back from Collin.

" Isabella and Amelia had me kidnapped," I say feeling Theo squeezing my hand supportively.

I tell them everything.  By the end I feel free, I feel like the weight on my shoulder has been lifted.

" You mean you were going through all of this by yourself? " Mia asks and I shake my head.

" My grandma knew, I also have Liam and his team who have been with me every step of the way. " I say and grandma nods her head. Liam and Ken are fine, sustaining some serious injuries but they survived and that is what matters. I wouldn't forgive myself if any of them died due to my carelessness.

" Yes, that Liam guy is hot," Connor says looking at me and I nod absentmindedly.

" You think he's hot?" Theo asks and I nod again and feel him huff looking away. Collin smirks, sending a wink my way. Excusing myself I go directly into my twin's room, finding them asleep.  Kissing both their cheeks, I look up and find Theo standing in the doorway. He stalks over to the twin's beds, kissing their foreheads.

" I asked your mummy to marry me tonight and she said yes. Now we are one big family." Theo whispers to the sleeping babies.

" They are so beautiful, just like their Mama," Theo says and I nod, a grin on my face. He kisses their foreheads before we exit the room to go say goodnight to our friends.

"Reminds me, where is Nathan?" I ask and Theo scratches the back of his head.

"He's at the house with his nanny. " He says looking away and I glare at him. The poor boy probably thinks nobody likes him.

" He's going to be staying with me and the girls," I say walking away from him, leaving no room for arguing. If we were to be a family, it is best if we all get along. I'll have to slither my way into the little boy's heart.

Walking into the living room, everyone goes silent.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing. We better get going, I have a flight tomorrow. " Mia says tagging Ryan who chuckles nervously. I bid all of them goodbye.

"Grandma, why is everyone acting weirdly?" I ask eyeing the door.

" I don't know. Goodnight Kaylee, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow." Grandma hugs me goodnight before scurrying away.

"Is it me or is everyone acting a little bit weird?"

" I'm sure you are just paranoid. Anyway, I should also get going." Theo says pecking my lips.

" I don't want you to go," I whisper seductively.

" I wish I didn't have to but I have some things I need to take care of. I'll see you tomorrow." He says pecking my lips again but before he could move away I deepen the kiss making him groan.

"I need to go." He says and I nod. Pecking his lips one more time, I walk him to the door, watching his car pulling away I shut the door, locking it I head towards my room.

I drop on my bed.

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