"I'm never helping you again," I say as I exit the bathroom after taking a shower.
"You have to admit it was fun." He laughs.
"Yes, it was very exciting thinking that you probably hit your head pretty bad and lost consciousness. Very exciting. " I mumble sarcastically, putting on my clothes.
Thanks to Theo I now have to go to the salon and I certainly didn't like the idea of them folks, looking at me like they have never seen a black lady in all their life.
"I'm sorry for scaring you." He says sitting on the bed looking at me.
"It's okay."
"Come here." I go straight to him, sitting on his lap. He kisses my forehead before pulling me closer to him until our bodies are touching.
"I'm sorry for yesterday I shouldn't have let them talk to you. And from now on I won't stop showing you how much I love you. " Theo says and I nod.
I guess we'll wait and see.
Someone knocks on our bedroom door and I mutter a come in. In the doorway stands Nathan with the twins looking at us.
"Mummy, look they can now walk," Nathan says walking forward holding Amara with his left hand and Alessia with his right hand.
"He calls you mummy?" Theo asks in disbelief.
"Yes, he does now."
"Every day I fall for you." Theo coos and I smile at him. The twins stumble when they walk but they don't fall as Nathan holds their hands. I was glad the twins are starting to learn to walk as for the talking I'm okay since they answer what I ask. If I ask if they need a diaper change they can say no or yes. If they are hungry they say yes and sometimes no.
"Let's go have lunch, I'm sure grandpa is waiting," Theo says taking Amara and leaving me with Alessia. I pick her up and we all head to the dining room, my smile brightening when they see Emma looking at us with a scowl on her face. Theo pulls my chair, then Nathan's before sitting next to me.
"Is Alessia hungry?" I ask Alessia.
" Yes, Mommy." She replies looking around the table. Okay, she's always hungry that's why she's weighing more kilos than Amara.
We eat in silence making small talks here and there. Once I'm done eating and feeding Alessia, Theo announces that it's time for him to take me to the salon.
Putting the kids on the back seat, we speed off thankful there wasn't any traffic. The town was filled with people walking in different directions cars speeding past us, Theo insisted that he wanted to have some alone time with the kids while I got my hair done and I agreed. Not that I had any other choice.
Getting into the salon I'm met with a guy with green hair and piercings all over his face. He looks at me with a grin on his face as he approaches me.
"Don't be shy, city girl. Come on in." He takes my hand leading me to one of the chairs. Apart from the speakers playing hard Rock, the whole place was deserted. I was starting to fidget and this man in front of me did nothing to ease the uneasiness that I had with his weird grin.
"Call me Mufasa." He casually says looking at me and I nod.
" Kaylee." I let out. He doesn't look surprised.
"Ooh, I know who you are. I saw Theodore Crawford dropping you off." He says clapping his hands.
" Oooh." That's the only thing I could let out.
" Yes, now what do I owe the pleasure of having you here?" He asks his eyes twinkling.
" My hair got ruined and I need it done."
"Dreadlocks do look good on you. I see you are nervous around me, I get that a lot."
" What do you mean?"
"Look around there's nobody here just because of how I look, dress, and my sexuality." He lets out a breath looking out the window. Now I felt bad for judging him, he's already had enough and I added to that list of people who saw him differently.
"If it makes you feel better, I'm nervous because there were no people here and I was starting to even picture myself in a horror movie. " He bursts out laughing.
" That doesn't make me feel better but I'll take it. " He says smiling exposing his pierced gums.
" I'm sorry for that though. " I offer to smile.
" It's okay. You are the first customer this week. Let's get started. " He says and I nod. We get to talk and even share laughs here and there about sweet nothings.
"I love it," I say looking at my now blonde locks. He did suggest it would look good on me and it did. Standing up I find myself hugging him, he's stiff but later relaxes hugging me back.
"Take your hands off my wife!" A familiar voice booms through the small salon and I roll my eyes pulling away from Mufasa.
"I think you've used that sentence a lot, babe. I say walking over to him. He glares at me before turning his attention back to poor Mufasa who was squirming under his gaze.
"I don't have to be saying it if you stop letting men touch you! " He shouts and Nathan too glares at Mufasa. I swear they do look exactly alike when they put that look.
"Hey, chill... I don't even like her like that. I'm into guys. " He raised his hand in surrender and Theo glares at him again before relaxing.
"Dad? What does he mean?" Nathan looks at his father curiously.
" That he likes boys more than he likes girls."
"I don't like boys. I said guys as in men." Mufasa huffs and we all glared at him.
" I like boys too dad. " Nathan says and I facepalm myself.
" He doesn't mean it like that, do you know how I love your Mummy?" Nathan nods.
" That's how he loves boys," Theo says and I proud smile comes to my face. Nathan seems to be lost in his thoughts so I turn to Mufasa who is already looking at me.
"Dad, I don't like boys like that," Nathan says smiling.
" Well, that's okay. "
" You look, beautiful babe," Theo says pulling me into his arms, securing my lips with his.
" Dad!" Nathan groans and we pull away.
"What Nathan? I was busy!"
" Kissing is gross."
"Well tell that to your future girlfriends." Theo dismisses him and Nathan twists his face into a look of disgust.
We all used to think that kiddo...
And stay safe😊